Part 14. FIGHT

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Two week has past since I started dating, everything is going fine. Allen never brought up the topic of why I was worried that day.

Noah did not question me about Allen or about my crush. Grace and Ollie were still playing cupid.

Every night when everyone slept Allen would sneak into my room and we would spend about an hour chatting after which he leaves.

The remaining day we mostly talk through text, so that no one knows what is going on.

Ollie exchanged his duties with Allen saying he wants to work alone, so now Allen and I are partnered up, which gives us more time together.

Nick is being Nick, after smoking incident he has been careful but we two have had another fight two days back.

That was completely my fault, I did it on purpose and got lot of scolding from Noah and later on Allen was beyond pissed with me.

Jayden, Jessie and Aaron left three days ago, promising to see me soon after the camp.

You might be thinking what I did with Nick, when he was cleaning the dining area as a part of the punishment, I purposely dropped a glass of water making him clean that part again.

Due to which he was beyond pissed with me and tried to hit me with a broom. Thank god Louis saw it and stopped him or else that day I was surely going to be hit by broom.

Now we have only 12 days of camp left. Last night Noah told me that on the last two days our parents will be here, with father's business partners and their families.

That has been the tradition and they will cook food along with us for villagers. It will be like a fete and we will arrange games and other fun activity for villagers. From today we will start preparing for the fete.

This fete will be for the benefit of villagers, many other business associates and politicians attend this fete too.

So from today we will not go to village just be in the camp area and prepare for the fete.

It was around 8 in the evening, we had dinner and were sitting outside my room chatting.

Many groups had form in the camp by now and they all sit together at the end of the day and chat. My group consisted of Amelia, Avery, Grace, Noah, Allen, Oliver and Louis.

Louis was sitting beside Avery and said "How about we play confession game today? We all confess one thing each?"

We all agreed with him and Allen asked "Who will go first?"

Louis raised his hand and said "I will begin as I suggested the game and I have a confession."

When everyone was ready Louis stated "My confession is I like you Avery! I hope we can talk about it later, I was too shy too tell you alone so I said infront of everyone."

We all hooted for him and looked towards Avery for her reply.

I did notice a blush on her cheeks, she said "Louis you are a great boy but I don't know you much and I would like to get to know you more."

Louis hugged her and then it was Noah's turn to confess.

Noah confessed "I am sorry guys, specially Oliver, Allen, Amelia and Avery we have been friends for last three years of camp but I never told you this. My father is the one sponsoring this camp."

They all looked at him in shock and Amelia asked "You being serious? Wow! You are like the owner of the camp! That is so cool."

Noah just shrugged and Ollie said "I knew it, but I did not say anything. Because I knew one day you will tell us. Before you ask me how I found out, dude I have been at your home many times and once I got lost and reached your father's study room. There I saw the camp file and peaked in it. Sorry about that!"

We all laughed at him and Noah said "It's okay! I mean we all know how curious of a person you are. Okay Ollie it's your turn."

Ollie confessed "Allen, Noah and Caro knows this but I will tell others. I am gay and since Nick has found out, he bullies me. Allen and Noah last year when I landed to hospital it was because of Nick."

I saw both Noah and Allen reaction, it was similar, both red with anger.

Allen cursed Nick "I am going to kill that mother fucker, why the hell did you hide it from us?"

Noah agreed with Allen and Ollie said "I did not wanted you two to land in problem because of me and it was last year. I am fine now, so lets forget it please."

Allen said "Nick is so going to pay for it by the end of the camp."

I have never seen Allen so angry ever. I need to talk to him about it later.

It was my turn and I said "I don't use any social media, like Instagram, Snapchat or Facebook."

Everyone laughed at it and Ollie said "We will change it soon, we will sign you up on all those apps."

It was Grace chance and she confessed "Okay! I don't have a confession but I had a surprise for Noah and Ollie; I will tell that only. I am joining your school this year, I too recently shifted to New York from Stella and will join your school. I guess Caro will join the same school."

To which Noha replied "Yes she is joining school with me, I am so happy that she will already have friends in school and won't feel lost and also the same for you Grace."

Grace and I just hi-five and Ollie chuckled and said "I am the happiest one now, I will have both my partner in crime with me in school too. We are going to have so much fun and we are going to land in so many detentions. Yippee!"

It was Amelia's turn and she confessed "I am madly in love with Allen for past three years."

Everyone was shocked and I stated "What!"

Everyone's eyes where on me and Allen said "I am sorry Amelia but I am already in a relationship and I think she is the one I want to spend my whole life with."

Amelia looked at me and said "I knew the moment you two started talking, I saw the way you looked at each other. Isn't it you he is dating? I love you Allen and we have known each other longer than you know her."

I looked at Allen to see if he replies to her, he looked at me and I nodded. It was time to come clean.

Allen said "Don't blame her! I was the one who first took interest in her and things just happened."

He then turned to Noah and said "I am sorry Noah we did not tell you but we have been dating for almost two weeks now."

Noah just punched him and then turned to me "I told you not to fall for him, he is leaving in a month Caro. It will only hurt you."

I gave him an angry glare and said "That is for me to decide, who gave you the right to even touch him. How dare you punch him? I so hate you Noah, I knew the moment I landed in New York that you all will just control my life."

Noah looked pissed and stated back "Caro you are nothing but a selfish bitch. All you think about is yourself, you don't care about anyone else's feelings. I wish we did not care about you and had left you alone in Cali after granny's death."

He then turned and left, Ollie gave me a sad look and followed him.

Amelia passed the comment "You deserve it!" And Avery dragged her with her.

Grace and Louis went back to their tents. I had tears in my eyes and Allen just hugged me, while I cry.

This is been the fifth time in our two week relationship that I broke down and Allen is calming me down.

I wished I was not a burden to him. I just hope he does not leave me any moment soon like others.

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