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Outside office was Nick waiting for me, he looked at me and asked "You still want the tour around?" I nodded and we both left for lake.

On the way to lake he asked me "So you are Noah Jones sister?" I nodded and said "Yes, unfortunately. Anyways what did you do in past? Why was he so angry to see you?"

He said "I did not do anything in the past but was falsely accused of sexually assaulting a girl. I was framed by that girl and her friends."

I was unsure whether I should trust this boy easily or not. I plan to keep my guards up and to keep my distance.

I just nodded and said "I wish that misunderstanding is cleared this year. Anyways which school year are you in?"

He said "I am in high school, what about you?" I said "Same, I am also in high school." 

We reached the lake, I took out my camera and took some pictures. It was kind of a deserted lake, no one was around.

I did not wanted to stay alone with Nick until I was sure he was innocent, so I said "Come on let's go back and see the camp area." He nodded and we left.

He showed me around and then I went to my room to settle down my things before campfire.

In the afternoon I heard a familiar voice call for me from outside and went out to see Noah standing there. I asked him "What do you need now?"

He said "Sorry about earlier, all I want is for you to be safe. Anyways come on it's lunch time. If you need help with unpacking, I can help you after lunch."

I shook my head and said "It's okay I will manage, give me a minute." He nodded, I went in, closed my bag and came out. Noah and I walked towards the lunch room, silently.

Noah and I took our lunch plates and he guided me to a table where a group of people were sitting.

We sat down beside each other and he said "Hello everyone! How are you doing this year? Anyways this is my little sister Caroline."

I waved at them and then ate my lunch silently whereas others were talking about how they have been and what they did last year. 

I felt someone sit on the empty seat beside me and turned to see Nick siting beside me.

I heard one of the girl say "Ross I don't think we are friends, so you are not invited to our table. Where are your so called friends?"

Nick said "Thomas I don't need to ask anyone to sit anywhere. This camp is for everyone and I don't see your name written on the table."

She muttered "Already spoiling the camp." She got up and left, the other girl on the table got up and called her "Avery!" And ran behind her.

Nick just shrugged and I saw my brother red with anger but he did not say anything. After that the whole table was quite, everyone finished there lunch and went back.

Noah walked me to my room and said "Rest now, see you in the evening." I nodded and went inside my tent.

I unpacked my things and kept it in the cabinet of my tent. As I was about to lie down, someone barged in my room. I looked at him in shock, in a split of a second I realized the guy in front of me was hot and handsome. 

He was tall, had a black hair, green seductive eye and nice body. I was able to know that his body was nice because he was wearing a well fitted t-shirt which clearly showed how great of a body he has.

I only after a few seconds later realized that I have been gawking at him and he was looking towards me unsure. 

He asked me confused "What are you doing here? This is my tent? I have stayed in here for the last five years."

I said "My camp partner said, this was the tent assigned to me. I just finished unpacking can you please ask Mr. Lee if there is any confusion."

He nodded and took out his phone. "Mr. Lee! Allen Wood here. My room is occupied by a girl." He looked towards me and asked "What's your name?" 

I replied "Caroline Jones." He said on the phone "Her name is Caroline Jones."

Mr. Lee said something to him on the phone and then Allen said "Okay, I will take the room on her right." With that he disconnected the call. 

He looked at me and said "Your partner got confused and gave you this room, your room was the one on the right side. Anyways as you have already unpacked, I don't want to cause you trouble. I will take the room on the right."

He was kind and handsome boy, such kind person are hard to find. I thanked him and he left.

In the evening I heard Noah call me and came out to see him wearing a red t-shirt and blue ripped jeans. He was looking nice, he said "Are you ready?" 

I said "Give me five minutes I just need to change, I fell asleep and just got up five minutes ago."

He nodded, I went in and changed into a simple crop top and denim shorts. I tied my hair into a high pony tail and applied eye-liner and came out. 

Noah looked at me and said "Wow! You are the first girl I met who actually can get ready in just five minutes. Anyways won't you feel a bit under-dressed? The other girls are gonna wear nice dress and lots of make up."

I shook my head and said "Nope! I am comfortable like this and anyways I did not bring any dress or make up box, just a liner and lip balm not even a lip-stick. I thought we were going camping and not partying."

He laughed and said "I am sure you are still going to be the most beautiful girl out there." I was actually happy getting a compliment from him and said "Thank you Noah." 

We walked towards the campfire and he sure was right, people were actually dressed for a party.

I looked around in one corner was Nick with four other boys, but I was looking for someone else who was still not here. So I just sat down beside Noah and his friends.

"Hey there! Newbie!" I turned to look at the voice beside me. A boy around my height, curly blonde hair and kind of cute. He came and sat beside me. I replied at him "Hey there! Cutie!"

He just rolled his eye and said "So are you liking this camp so far?" I just shrugged and said "There weren't any activity yet just drama so yes, I guess it was fun."

He laughed and said "Wow! Newbie! Day 1 and already got some drama." I nodded and he continued "I like your choice of dressing, I feel bad for those girls who took hours to get ready." 

I gave him a confused look and he whispered "You will know soon. Anyways I am Oliver, you can call me Ollie the pollie!"

I just giggled and forwarded my hands to shake with him "Caroline! Friends call me Caro!" He shook my hand and said "I will call you Line then." 

We pulled our hands away and I felt something wet on my hand. I saw it and on my hand was red paint color. Did he just played a prank on me.

I knew he would have thought I will wash my hand or rub it with a piece of cloth, but me being a prankster too, I hugged him out of blue and said "I am so happy that I made a good friend here."

After that I moved away and looked at my palm and said "Oops! Ollie the Pollie I painted your white t-shirt red. Now you have my hand print on your t-shirt."

He laughed and said "My first prank of the season failed. But I guess I just got a prank partner. I guess we are gonna be best friends Caro." I hi-five him. 

Noah looked towards us and said to Oliver "Hey there Ollie! I see you have met my sister. Anyways where is your brother? Is he not coming this year as he will be a college student soon."

"Hey there Noah! He is here will be out any minute. You know how he is, he won't leave the opportunity of doing social service work or helping others. I wish he was like us and sometime thought about himself rather than others." Oliver replied with a expression hard to read.

Oliver said "I will see you around Noah and I am borrowing your sister. Caro come with me." I nodded and we both left.

So which boy do you think is the best? Nick? Allen? Oliver?

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