Part 31. I FOUND YOU!

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After that he told me he disconnected the call. I asked him "Why did you do that?"

He said "I like you a lot and thought maybe if you both break up, I can have you. I was acting impulsive. I am sorry all this happened because of me."

I wanted to slap him, kill him but I ignored him and said "Don't ever dare talk to me, you don't know how much I love Allen. Even if I ever break up with him, I will only go behind him and again try to patch things."

I rubbed my tears, which I just realized started flowing and said "I considered you as one of my good friend Zack! You are nothing but just like your cousin."

I then left from there to call others.

I saw them waiting in his living room, Ollie said "He is surly here, look what I found."

He showed me a keyring. It was Allen's keyring, it was personalized gift from Ollie and I asked him "Any clue where?"

Noah asked me "You okay? It looks like you were just crying or about to cry."

I nodded and said "Yes! I am fine, just when we were in garden something went in my eyes."

They all knew I was lying but did not say anything and I was happy about it.

Ollie said "The room beside kitchen, it is locked from inside so could not check and the other rooms are all clear."

I knew what I wanted to do and told everyone my plan. Zack was still not back and I was happy about it.

Grace and I started arguing about my plan. She was being mean. We kind of had a cat fight and I did not see where I was walking and she kept following me.

G: How mean you are? Your problems are problems and what about others problem? I told you to keep just one secret from everyone and you went and told everyone. Look how many misunderstandings took place because of you. I lost all my friends, I hate you Caro!

C: But Grace I am being honest I only told Allen and no one else. I told you after I told him and I can swear on it. I did not tell anyone else. Grace you also know how broken I was last week, you think I could do something like this. I am your best friend for god sake.

G: Best friend my foot, I wished I never trusted you.

She pushed me hard and I was about to hit on a wall. I am sure I am going to have a bruise for a week on my head.

I shouted for help and heard the door open, I went straight into the arms of the person opening the door.

He shouted, pulling me in his arms "I told everyone Grace, you should blame me."

I knew our plan worked and heard Grace laugh.

I pulled away and said "Hey there! I found you!" I smiled and saw others laughing.

By now Zack was also here and had a smile on his face.

He said "I knew nothing about it, I swear!"

Allen rubbed his head and said "They are smart and can easily guess. I guess they would make a good detective team."

Grace stopped laughing and said "Shut the fuck up Allen! You know how worried we were? You have no fucking idea how close I am on the verge of killing you. And what happened to your hair? Why are they grey?"

Allen said "I am sorry! I wanted to come back earlier but I had no other option."

I asked him "What do you mean?"

He said "I know Caro! You know that Zack likes you and about our conversation on phone. He texted me earlier."

Everyone was shocked and Ollie asked "But then why did you hide at his place and why did you went missing?"

Allen rubbed his head and said "I guess I finally hit puberty and acting immature like you always wanted. I wanted to be a trouble child and wanted attention. I was taking a walk on Monday afternoon last week as I was not in my right state of mind and met Zack in front of his house."

He took a deep breath and continued "I hit him and blamed him for destroying my relationship. I told him I will stay with him for a week and help him get Caro as I was sure Caro will not even look at him. Today was his last try and when you called I was kind of broken thinking maybe you are liking him."

Ollie said "Are you mad or something? How can you help someone please your own girlfriend? What if she actually started feeling for him? This is not being immature! How can you be this selfless that you were helping him. Do you even know how worried we were?"

I slapped him and said "If you don't want me then you should have told me. Am I a think that you can give away? Don't I have a heart? Did you not think that I may get more hurt? You told him my favorite food, chocolates, cakes and even cupcakes. You let him call me cupcake? I was mad to even think that you were pissed at me and disappeared. I blamed myself for you being lost."

I was crying and continued "Allen I told you I loved you! Did those words mean nothing to you? You also told me you loved me can you have lived without me if I would have fallen for Zack?"

I then ran away from there, like usual. I hated to hear the truth, what if he actually did not want me and was going to give up on me?

Noah followed me before I could get in my car caught me. He asked me "Where are you going? Don't drive like this please! You can get in an accident. Please Caro listen to me for once."

Noah and I had a small talk, he finally agreed and let me go.


It's been an hour since Caro left, I did not wanted her to go back alone but she wanted it so badly and I as usual gave up.

She promised to call me back as soon as she reach home but now it's been an hour and no call.

We all came to Allen and Ollie's place, I have been pacing around whereas others were lecturing Allen.

Bianca asked me "Hey! All okay? You have been pacing around like a mad man?"

I shook my head and said "Caro hasn't called back, she said she will call me as soon as she reaches home."

Bianca said "Why don't you call her then? Maybe she forgot!"

I nodded and dialed her no. after about few seconds she answered "Are you related to the owner of this phone, she is completely washed and trying to jump of the cliff."

I hurriedly asked the person "Which cliff? I am her brother."

The person told me and I asked him to look after her for fifteen minutes.

By now everyone was looking towards me, I went towards Allen punched him and then said "If anything happens to my sister I will kill you."

I then ran out whereas others followed me. Bianca and I took my car and saw others following us. 

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