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After Yemen, Avery's cousin from camp talked to Noah as per our plan he returned me my phone back.

I thanked him "Thank you Yemen for coming here even after being busy."

He laughed and said "What are friends for?"

After that we talked for 15 minutes and as soon as we heard car sounds we hid behind a tree.

Noah followed by others started to look around for me. Noah called on my no. which was on silent and I did not answer.

Noah then went towards Allen and shouted "If anything happens to my sister then you are so dead. Shit I should have not let her go alone."

Allen sat down on his knee and said "I wish I was not so immature. Please forgive me, I can't lose her too. I love her a lot! Shit what did I do. I wish I could explain her everything. I totally messed up. First the Sophia thing and then with Zack."

He was crying, his voice clearly stated that he was crying. I so wanted to go and hug him and say it's alright. But Yemen did not let me leave.

Allen continued "I wish I would have told her that I had a roommate and Sophia was his girlfriend. I wish rather than focusing on others I would have focused on her. I am such a fool that I lost the best thing I had."

I finally got out of Yemen's grip and ran towards Allen. I sat on my knee, saw his face in his palm and he crying hiding his face.

I hugged him and said "I am here! I am sorry too. I should have trusted you and listened to your side of story too."

He looked up and when he saw it was me, he hugged me back and said "What the fuck? I thought you fell of the cliff."

I gave him a confused looked and said "Where did that come from? Our plan was I was drunk and trying to jump off."

Everyone laughed and Ollie said "We twisted it and told him you fell off."

I rolled my eye and said "It was our revenge plan on you. I am sorry I had you worried so much but you did the same. Now you know how I felt when I heard you are missing."

He said "It's completely okay as long as you are okay. I am sorry too, I promise to never do anything like this ever and I am not leaving you ever. I can't stay without you anymore. I will talk to my dad and stay here in NYC only."

I told him "But you were liking it there and we had a pact that if you like it there you will stay."

He shook his head and said "I told you if I decide to come back you can't question me and my happiness is here with you. I am thinking about myself now and I want to be selfish for once. I am not going back, even if it means I have to be a rebel in front of my parents."

I hugged him and said "I am so happy, I love you and don't want to stay away from you. I want to see you daily and hug you and kiss you like this daily."

I then kissed him and heard hooting around us. Finally we broke our kiss and Noah said "If you hurt my sister again, I won't let you two be together ever. And the punch I gave you earlier you deserve it and I won't ever apologize."

After that we all were finally back, talking, chatting and making fun of each other. Yemen left soon after as he had some school work.

Now it was just Allen, Ollie, Noah, Grace, new addition to the group Bianca, Amelia, Louis and Avery.

Grace said "I have something to confess too. About the fight earlier Ollie you were asking what only I trusted and told Caro and she told Allen right?"

He nodded and Grace said "I like you a lot Ollie, I don't want to lose you as a friend and we all have been growing apart and I can't let that happen again so I confessed. I don't want to have anymore misunderstandings."

Ollie was shocked he did not knew what to say. Grace told him "You don't have to worry or feel bad about it. I am sure I will be back to normal soon and try to move on."

Ollie said to Grace "Grace I am not sure what to say. But recently I am having self doubt and hence I too am staying distant. I am not sure about who I am, I am confused whether I am actually gay or bi. I am trying to find myself. When my parents finally accepted me for being gay, I doubted whether all this time was I actually gay or bi? I thought I did all that just to get my parents attention. I never had a boyfriend and I never kissed a boy or girl before. I am so confused. It's just that I kind of like you but I am not sure and hence I am so confused. When you started ignoring me, I realized that you were a bit more important than Caro. I mean she is important but the feelings I had for her and the feelings I have for you is completely different. I just need some time, I need to find myself before committing or thinking about anyone."

Allen said "We all are here to help you Ollie, specially me. I am happy that I am back when my brother is taking such important decisions in life. I will help you with everything and you don't have to worry about anything."

Grace told Ollie "Even if you don't like me back, I will forever stay with you as a friend you don't have to worry about it Ollie. We all will get through it. We have all our life to think about all this. I am happy that I told you and I feel at ease now."

After the confession, everyone left as it was past midnight. Allen went with Ollie, Louis dropped Avery and Amelia.

Whereas Grace and Bianca stayed at our place as they told their parents they were having a sleepover at our place.

Grace was sad, she wanted to stay alone so she slept in a guest room. Bianca stayed with Noah and I stayed all night talking to Allen.

I was happy that we were back and our bond was much stronger than before. I promised myself that I will hear his side of story before blaming or fighting with him.

Finally everything was on track and I could not have asked for anything more than I already have.

Best parents who love me a lot. Then my brother who could kill people for me. My best friends who care about me so much. Jayden, Jessie and Aaron my family, who was there when I had no one. Lastly, my handsome but fool of a boyfriend.

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