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The next day went by same, morning we went trekking and after breakfast we went back to village today.

We were informed that for next two days they will be meeting with a psychologist. As they need to be sure that the villagers are mentally stable too as they are physically stable.

Few villagers had dental problems and few were suffering from some physical problems and the doctors had prescribed them the medicines they will be needing.

Only one from Amelia's family was detected of cancer and was referred to City Hospital in New York.

That evening we were all too tired so mostly everyone went back to their tent's after dinner.

It was only me, Ollie, Noah, Allen, Amelia, Grace, Avery and Louis who were sitting outside watching stars and talking about random things.

I said "Excuse me! I will go and bring my camera from my tent, I clicked many pictures today I will show you guys all those pictures, you are gonna love it."

I went to my tent and when I was coming out I was hit with a cigarette smell. I looked around and went towards Nick's tent.

Behind his tent I saw him and three other boys smoking. I without making any noise silently clicked their picture and ran away from their.

I made sure that the picture was clear and everyone is clearly recognized. Thanks to my photographic skills.

I went and said "Look what I found!" I passed my camera with their picture to Noah, he saw and passed it to others.

Avery said "Let's show it to Mr. Lee and have them punished, it is against rule."

Allen said "You all stay out of it, I don't want you to mess with him. I will show it to Mr. Lee and take him there right now. I request you girls and specially you Caro, to stay away from him. Please, I want my last year of camp here in peace."

I nodded and asked "Why will this be your last year here?"

He stood up and before leaving said "I am leaving for Harvard soon and I don't think it will be possible for me to attend camps again like this."

I nodded and he left with my camera. Noah said "Did they see you taking picture?"

I shook my head and said "No I got away without being notice."

Grace also being new in this camp asked "What is the deal with Nick? Other than he bullies Oliver? Why do you all hate him so much and why did Allen said girls to stay away from him?"

Avery said "Because last year he physically assaulted a girl and accused her of faking it. But we all knew it was real, but Mr. Lee believed him over that girl. That girl is my twin sister Ava. She and Nick did not get along and one evening he found her near lake alone. They had an argument and he assaulted her. But blamed Ava that she is lying and Mr. Lee took his side. Mr. Lee is a male biased man, he thinks women should not be equal to men and should always obey a man's order. Ava hated it and did not come back this year. I am here to get revenge on Nick. Allen and Noah have promised me, to help me get him punished at any cost."

Amelia hugged Avery as she had tears in her eyes and said "If it would not have been for Noah, Ava would have been raped. He saw Ava going out and Nick following her, so he followed them and saved her when he tried to rape her."

I was so proud of my brother and hated both Mr. Lee and Nick.

Me being one of the girl who was almost raped knew how it feels, I am happy that my brother did protect a girl.

May be not me but he did save someone else sister. I am surely going to bring down both Mr. Lee and Nick.

After few minutes Allen came back with a smile and said "Guess what! Not only cigarettes but also alcohol was with them. For punishment they will be cleaning the whole camp area everyday from tomorrow."

He hi-five Avery who now had a smile and said "This is just the beginning, he will fall prey of our other tricks too."

We all looked puzzled at them and Louis asked " What?"

Allen said "One of their team-mate the boy with them is Avery's cousin, but they do not know it. He is the one who brought alcohol, he brought the bottle out as soon as I left to show Mr. Lee the picture you clicked. Avery had texted him about me bringing Mr. Lee towards Nick's tent and he removed the alcohol bottle from his bag."

Louis asked "Who all knew about this plan? I too want to be part of this plan. My mother is a social activist who fight for women rights. I too want to follow her path and help her in it."

Avery still smiling as she was too happy that her plan worked, said "It was just me, Allen, Amelia, Noah and my cousin. But I can include you guys whoever want to help, the more the merrier."

We all raised are hands and then Ollie said "Mission Kill Nick begins."

We all laughed at his remark and then I showed them the pictures I clicked today.

Everyone loved the pictures and asked me to send them the copy of picture they were in.

Noah said "You can be a professional photographer." Everyone agreed with him, but out of no where Ollie had to open his mouth.

He said "You know, you do have everyone's pictures, but someone's pictures are more beautiful and are many as compared to others. It looks like you were stalking this person."

Grace agreed "I did observe it too." Others were unaware as to what they were talking about.

Noah asked "Whose picture let me see again? Do you like someone from the camp? You can't date anyone unless and until I approve him. Any boy who wants to date my sister must be better than me, only then he will be allowed to date her."

I just rolled my eye and said "Give me my camera back. Grace and Ollie, you two will never get the copies of your picture. I hate you two."

I know why they brought that up, today morning when I was clicking Allen's picture they both were beside me and Oliver stated "You have a crush on my brother!"

I just blushed, I was red and said "In your dreams!"

My blush did not go unnoticed and Grace teased me "She is blushing! Allen and Caro, sitting on a tree kissing."

I just hit both of their arms and went away from their.

Before they could say anything more I said "I am going to sleep, good night!" After that everyone wished each other and left.

Allen and I being tent neighbor walked together, Grace winked at me and Ollie just slapped my head before going their way of teasing me.

I will surely get my revenge on both of them soon.

When Allen and I were alone, Allen asked me "Who is the boy you were stalking?"

I cursed Grace and Ollie in my mind and now thinking about it I was again red blushing, thank god it was dark.

I just shrugged and said "They were just teasing me, it is no one."

He just nodded and said "Okay! If you don't want to tell me. I thought we were friends."

I blushed more at his comment, whenever he is around I can't stop blushing.

I said "We are friends and seriously it is no one. If there is anyone I will surely tell you. Anyways bye see you tomorrow. Good night."

He wished me back, I went inside my tent and fell on my bed.


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