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It's been a week since I was back. After getting away from Allen with the help of others I got back home.

Everyone was pissed at Allen and was ignoring him, including Ollie.

Allen came back with us but we don't know what happened but he left the same night.

Since that day I heard nothing about him. I am broken and sad, back to my old cold self. I don't talk to anyone, stay in my room and mostly away from everyone.

This time I was even ignoring Jayden. Jessie and Jayden tried, they even told Aaron to try talking to me but I was not in the mood and locked them out to.

My parents were worried as to what happened and were trying too.

Everyone tried talking to me but I had shut them out away from me.

Zack is other story, he is been acting weird. He would sometimes climb my room balcony and brings food, ice cream, cakes and chocolates. He would not say anything, just drop them and leave.

With them was always a funny pick up lines, that would make me smile.

1. Are those space pants, because they're really cute! Where did you get them? We should go shopping together sometime. Want to go shopping tonight?

2. Girl, I wish I could rearrange the alphabet and have U and I go bowling. Let's go bowling.

He would make them up and ask me to come out of my room in some way or the other. But I have been ignoring him too.

I was about to sleep when I got a text from Ollie, I read their text but never replied.

"Did Allen called you recently? He has been missing since he left. Mom dad tried calling him but he is not answering and he has not even attended a single class since last week. Today morning dad got a call from college."

I was worried! Where could he have gone? He left on Monday evening and it's Tuesday evening that is 8 days later.

Did something happened to him? Where can he go? If something happened to him, it will all be my fault. Shit! I should have heard him.

I called Ollie "No Ollie I did not see him or talked to him? You sure he is not back in Boston? Did you talk to his friends there?"

O: Yes! I called his few friends including Sophie but she said no one has seen him and he did not even come back to his apartment since he left. His car is also here at home! Dad is blaming himself for forcing Allen to go to Harvard and he even apologized to me.

C: Want me to come over and help looking for him?

O: No don't come over here. Everyone is at Grace's place trying to locate him. Noah told me not to worry you but I thought maybe you might know where he is and texted you. Sorry!

C: Are you mad? Why are you being sorry! It is my fault, we fought and all this happened. Don't worry we will find him soon.

I got ready and went to Grace's place. Noah was the first one to see me and asked "What are you doing here?"

I said "Obviously helping find Allen." Bianca and Grace were on call and Noah asked "Who told you?"

I said "It does not matter! How are we going to find him?"

Grace disconnected the call and said "Bianca know few people in Harvard and talking to them. They are either Allen's batchmate or seniors. Avery, Amelia and Louis are looking at the places in the city where he could probably go. Ollie is keeping his parents calm."

I nodded and said "Shall we go to Boston? Maybe he is hiding there?"

Noah said "We think he is here only because his last snapchat location is five days ago that was here only. Near our place, maybe he came by looking for you. Did you see him five days ago?"

I shook my head and said "No! But what time? Maybe Zack might have seen him. He had been coming to my balcony for the past five days with my favorite food, chocolates and all."

Noah was beyond pissed and asked "Why did you not tell me?"

Bianca scolded him "This is not the time to be angry over something like this. We will deal with it later first let's find Allen. Allen's last time was around 7 pm in the evening."

It was around the same time I saw Zack in my balcony. I called him, he answered after a few seconds.

Z: So? The princess is finally out of her leave me alone kingdom?

C: Not in the mood for joke. Anyways did you see Allen when you came over five days ago?

Z: Everything okay?

C: No! He is missing and everyone is worried. Specially his parents.

Z: Are you worried too? I thought you might be over him now that he is away.

C: Zack stop talking shit just tell me did you see him or not?

Z: No I did not see him, ask your neighbor maybe they might have seen him.

I disconnected the call and saw Noah calling Jayden.

J: Hey! You okay?

N: Did you see Allen near our home around 7 pm five days ago?

J: I was not home ask Jessie she might know something.

Noah told him what was going on and then called Jessie.

J: Hey! I was about to call you. I saw someone sneaking in your house. I just picked up my phone to call you. He went in from Caro's balcony. Wait he is coming down, it is kind of dark so not sure who is he. Wait I will catch him.

N: Stop! Are you mad? He can be dangerous and you are pregnant. We will come back as soon as possible. You stay inside with Aaron.

J: You sure? I can catch him.

N: Just stay inside. Don't disconnect the call we our on our way.

Jessie was still on the other side, Noah drove at full speed breaking all the traffic rules.

We reached our home in 15 minutes and saw Jessie waiting for us on the door. She said "Whoever it was ran away. He was here in black car."

I said "Maybe it was Zack, he drives a black car. Let's check my room, if there is food basket with a note there."

Noah said "That could be a possibility, but Jessie you should have listen and stayed in. It could be dangerous."

She hit him and said "I am an elder here and stop lecturing me. Let's go in and check her room."

He nodded and we went up to my room. Guess what we were right, there was a box and a note.

Noah opened the box and inside were cup cakes. I took the note and read it.

"You are the icing on my cupcake. I know life is full of questions, cupcake you are the answers. Don't drown in sorrows, suffocate them with cupcakes. How about some sweets?"

I was shocked after reading the second line and said "I think it's Allen. Second line it's written cupcake you are the answer. Allen called me cupcake. I will call Zack."

Bianca said "Wait you talked earlier and he said he does not know where Allen is. If they are together how about we catch them?"

I said "Let me taste those cupcakes, maybe they taste similar to those Allen used to bake for me."

He nodded and gave me one. I ate it and the it tasted yummy. I said "No! They are good but not Allen's maybe we are wrong."

Bianca said "Let's check out once! Maybe he purposely changed the taste so you don't know he is behind it. I don't think Zack is this kind of person to do something like this for anyone. I have known him since we were six."

Grace suggested "Meet him! We will keep an eye from distance to see whether Allen comes or not. If he does, I am so going to kill him."

Jessie said "I wished I could come with you all but Aaron is alone at home. Call me if you find that prick and drag him here. I am going to kill him and feed him to dogs."

I rolled my eye and we left to find Allen.

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