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I just got out of my plane and looked around. There I spotted the person I have been looking for.

I saw him looking around and as soon as our eyes met, I ran towards him and hugged him tight. Being back in his arms felt like I was back home. I missed him so much.

He pecked my lips and said "I missed you more!" I kept hugging him and argued back "I missed you more and you have no idea about it."

He put me down and said "Come on we have a long day! I can't wait to show you off to my other friends. They have been to eager to meet you."

I laughed and said "Come on then!" Before either of us could say anything, I got a video call on Whatsapp.

I answered and saw Noah, Bianca, Jayden, Ollie and Grace. They were all at Jayden's place. Aaron was sleeping on Bianca's lap and Jessie was no where to be seen.

C: Hey! I just reached. Was about to call you.

O: As if! After meeting my brother you would have forgotten who we are.

G: How's the lover boy?

I turned the mobile towards Allen and showed them. Allen waved at them.

N: Take care of her and don't fight. If you trouble her you are dead.

We all just laughed and Bianca hit Noah and said "Stop scarring him! They are madly in love."

A: Promise I won't hurt her and you know that. Anyways you all talk to her while I drive us home.

I turned the camera back and said "I will see you all on Monday morning."

They all teased me a bit about saying bye too early after which they finally said their goodbyes and I disconnected the call.

Allen was driving us to his apartment where I am going to stay until Monday. Monday afternoon I will be leaving for New York.

As soon as we reached his apartment he closed the door from behind. Kept my luggage and kissed me.

It turned out into a make out session, we kept kissing each other, madly and hungrily.

This was the best make out session we ever had. After which he told me "Want to go out? For the city tour?" I agreed.

I freshened up and we left.

We spend the whole day going around the city. I think I like this place too, maybe I could actually think of joining college here in Boston.

Maybe not Harvard but some other, where I can actually get admission.

At night we were finally back after the whole tour, it was fun and specially the time I spend with Allen.

Allen sat beside me and asked "So how is everything back home? We never actually talked about it?"

I kept my head on his lap, relaxed and told him "Everything is good, but mostly everyone is busy. Amelia, Avery and Louis are busy with school. Amelia is dating a boy from her school but we haven't met him yet. Noah and Bianca are always together but now a days they are spending time with me. I don't know about Ollie, when he is with us he is normal and all but he has started spending less time around us. He always says he is busy, do you know what is going on with him?"

Allen was running his hand through my hair and just shook his head. I continued "Grace is mostly around but when Ollie is there she mostly disappears."

Allen who was listening me talk asked "Why? Did the two had any fight?"

I shook my head and said "Promise me you won't tell this to anyone and not even talk to Grace about it." He said "Okay I promise! What is it? Something to worry?"

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