Part 24. SCHOOL DAY 1

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I answered my call "Hey there baby! I got your message last night! You okay now? Still having head pain?"

Allen replied back "I was just tried, due to long driving but I am fine now. Sleep helped and I am sorry could not call you yesterday."

C: It's okay! I was already asleep.
A: So left for school?
C: Yes! On the way!
A: Okay enjoy your day! Please don't get in trouble and keep Ollie out of trouble. You know if school calls my parents how they will treat him and I will not be there to help him.
C: Don't worry about him! You rest well today, from tomorrow you will have a busy schedule. I will call you back once I get back home. Bye! I already miss you alot.
A: I miss you too. Have a good day.

After that I disconnected the call and saw Noah stopping his car infront of someone's house, I guess his girlfriend.

Before I could say anything, Noah got down and I saw a girl, I have never seen before make her way towards Noah.

Noah hugged her and kissed her, he said something to her and I saw her looking inside.

She said something back and then angrily came and sat in the back seat, closing the door a bit loudly to show that she was angry.

I was not liking her, but I want to support Noah and not be mean.

I turned back and said "Hey! I am Caroline, Noah's sister."

She fake smilingly said "I am Bianca! Nice to meet you!" Noah came and started his car.

He said "Bii! Can we please keep our relationship a secret for sometime? I don't like much attention and as you are kind of too famous, us being in relationship will only attract attention on me."

She nodded and did not say anything as she was angry, I guess! I plugged in my earphones as I was kind of feeling awkward.

Noah might have understood it as he did not say anything or if we are together and I plug in earphones he scolds me.

I got another call and I saw who it was and answered. " Hey!"

Jayden said "You left early! I came by your place to wish you luck!"

I rolled my eyes and said "Jay you were 10 minutes late! I told you last night I will leave by 8 am."

He chuckled and said "Okay! I woke up late. Anyways good luck and enjoy your day. Wish Noah too!"

I replied back "Thank you! Will tell him. Bye!"

He laughed and said "Bye take care and don't worry about anything!"

I disconnected the call and looked at Noah looking my way.

I told him "It was Jayden! He wanted to wish us luck, so he came by home but we already left."

He nodded and said "Okay! I saw you and Jay talking last night sitting in the garden was all okay?"

I nodded and Bianca asked "Who is Jayden? Your boyfriend? I guess your boyfriend was Allen! I saw your pictures with him on his Instagram page."

I nodded and said "Jay is our neighbour and an elder brother to us. Allen is my boyfriend!"

She said "You like attention? I mean you two are siblings so I thought you might also not like attention. Most of our batchmates follow Allen on instagram so they might recognise you as his girlfriend and give lot of attention to you. Girls being jealous of you and boys trying to know what Allen saw in you that he choose you of all the girls who proposed him."

I rolled my eyes, thank god she was sitting behind and did not see it, I said "Not sure if I will like or not the attention but I can't change the fact that I am Allen's girl."

By then we had reached the school, so I got down took my bag and without waiting left.

I heard Noah calling me but I did not wait for him too. I walked to god know's where and now I am lost.

I looked for my phone but I guess I left it in the car. I am near the football court and don't know who to ask the way for administration office.

I was about to turn when someone caught my bag from behind. I turned and looked at the boy standing infront of me.

He said "You look new? Are you lost?"

I nodded and asked him "Can you tell me the way to administration department?"

He said "It's on my way to class, come I will take you there!"

I nodded and followed him, he said "I am Zachary but call me Zack. I am a senior, what about you?"

"Caroline and I am a senior too." I said.

He smiled and said "Nice to meet you Caroline and I wish we have few classes in common. Let's see after you get your schedule."

I nodded and then Zack said "There is the office I will wait outside, you go and get your schedule."

I nodded and went in to get my schedule, I took my schedule and went out to see Noah, Grace and Ollie making their way towards the office.

Noah looked worried, when Ollie saw me he said "Bitch you had us worried, we were about to call Allen back to NYC."

I rolled my eyes and said "Stop being melodramatic, I was looking around and lost my way. I guess I forgot my mobile in the car."

Noah passed me my phone and said "Grace and Ollie get your schedule and ask mine too, I need to talk to Caro for a minute."

They nodded and left. Noah said "What the hell is wrong with you? Why were you so pissed? You were fine when we left home."

Zack interrupted us and asked "Hey Noah is she your girl? I just helped her."

Noah looked at Zack and said "She is my sister and you better stay away from her. Your cousin already caused her lot of trouble, I don't want you to do the same."

I gave them a puzzled look and Zack said "I am nothing like Nick and everyone knows it. I wish you would believe too. Anyways I will leave now, see you around Caroline." He left after that.

Ollie might have heard it and said "Noah he is right he is nothing like Nick. He was the one who helped me and took me to the hospital."

I just rolled my eye and said "Let's go to our respective classes we don't want to be late. What class you all have?"

Grace had history, Noah algebra and Ollie and I had homeroom. Noah left for his class and Ollie told Grace the way to her class and then we both went to our class.

Ollie asked me "So what happened in the morning? All okay? Did Allen said anything?"

I said "It has nothing to do with Allen, it's Noah. He is dating a girl named Bianca and I don't like her. She was kind of mean and I don't want to see Grace hurt."

He said "Bianca is a cheerleader and is a good girl, I guess you two might have met at the wrong time. About Grace she has to move on, if she liked Noah alot then she should have started giving him signals. I think you should support Noah and let Grace deal on her own. We will be there for her as a friend but we are also Noah's friend and should support his first relationship."

I thought about it on our way to class, Ollie stayed quite letting me think about what he said.

I never knew he was so mature, I guess he is right and I should support Noah like he did.

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