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Noah and I walked back to see Allen and Oliver waiting outside my room.

We both smiled at them and Noah went and hugged Allen. "Thanks for taking care of her, when she had a breakdown."

Allen laughed and said "You surely are siblings, she said the same. Anyways, lets get ready fast and meet for breakfast. After that we are going to village and meet the villagers."

I went inside and got ready. I had a quick shower and then wore a black t-shirt, jeans and a cap to protect myself from sun. I kept my sunscreen, lip balm, comb and water bottle in my bag pack and went out.

I saw Nick get out of his tent and then he walked towards me, he rolled his eye and asked "I thought we were friends?"

I ignored him and started walking away. He caught hold of my hand and tighten the grip.

I tried to move out of his grip but it was only hurting me. I shouted "Nick leave me this instance or you will regret it."

He gritted his teeth in anger, stepping more close to me he said "You should have not messed with me. I am a good friend, but a better enemy."

His closeness was making me uncomfortable, I lost my temper and slapped him.

I did not see that people had eye on us, I realized it later. He let go of my hand and raised his to slap me when someone caught his hand.

I looked at the person and was shocked to see who it was. It was Ollie, I gave him a shocking look and he let go of Nick's hand.

Ollie angrily said "Dare you ever come near her, you bullied me I let it pass but next time bully her and you will be sorry your whole life. I haven't told Allen yet that you were the one who attacked me last summer, just think when he finds it out what will happen."

I felt disgusted to even think that maybe Nick and I could be friends. How can he cut someone or burn them just because they are gay.

Nick shot back "Oh! Little Ollie can also get angry and protect others. Just watch your back you two, I have my eyes on you."

He then angrily left and we both started laughing. I told him "You were so cool out there, I am so happy that little Ollie grew up so fast."

He gave me a fake angry glare and hit me on my head and said "That slap was more cool, this is going to be the talk of the year. I wished I would have filmed it, I could have shown it to everyone in school."

I laughed and asked "So you all are in same school?"

He nodded and told me "Noah, Nick, Allen and I were in same school but now Allen is out, going to college. I guess you will also join school with Noah so we will also be in same school. Before selecting subject let me know, we can take few classes together."

I hi-five him and said "Sure but let us first complete this camp. Come on I am too hungry."

We went to dining area for breakfast and filled our plate with it. I took a sandwich, apple and a cup of coffee. I went and sat down beside Noah and Ollie beside me.

A few minute later Avery the girl who had a fight with Nick yesterday came and sat infront of me.

She said "Hey Caroline, Avery here. The slap was awesome, I wish he might have learned his lesson. You are crazy one among us, after Ollie over here. We are going to be good friends I can see that happening."

Noah gave us a puzzled look and asked "What slap?"

I laughed, ignored him and said "Nice to meet you Avery and I guess you would have done the same. I know you hate him, I saw you leave yesterday during lunch time when he entered."

Noah again butt in and asked "Nick caused trouble again today?"

Avery just laughed and said "Don't worry your sister and Ollie took care of it. She slapped Nick and it is surely going to leave a mark."

Noah looked towards me with concerned look and asked "You okay?"

I nodded and as I was done left from there. He sure worries alot.

We all were sitting in the waiting area for Mr. Lee to come and give us further instructions. Everyone was talking about something or the other.

I plugged in my earphones and listen to music as I needed peace and some calming down. I may behave like I'm too strong but only I know it is all an act.

Mr. Lee entered, I removed my earphones and kept in my bag.

Mr. Lee asked "How was the trek today morning? Everyone happy with their group?"

Everyone replied with either "Good or Okay or Yes."

After that Mr. Lee continued, "Today you will be meeting the villagers for the first time. There are in total 22 families in this village, a team of five doctor will be there. Today's task is to help the doctor with the villagers routine check up. You will be working with you group members, each team will be allotted 5 families to take care of, but as there is 22 families and we have only four group two team will get one family extra. So Noah and Nick's team will have 6 families, Amelia and Avery's team will have 5 families."

Nick raised his hand and asked "Mr. Lee how are we going to decide which team gets which family?"

Mr. Lee said "The village house have numbers 1-22 so 1-6 is Nick's, 7-12 is Noah's, 13-17 is Amelia's and 18-22 is Avery's. So whatever task we do to help villagers, this will be your families to be taken care of. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir!" Everyone said unanimously.

"You all can leave now with your groups, doctors will be present there when you reach there." Mr. Lee then dismissed us.

Before leaving Noah told us all to wait for five minutes, he said he has instruction for all of us.

After everyone left Noah said "Let's do some smart work, instead of all 10 of us going in one house like others. Let's divide and rule!"

We all gave him a puzzled look and Ollie asked "What?"

Noah continued "If all of us go in one house it will take time for us to complete our work, if we divide and go then we can do it in much lesser time. So we are 10 and we have 6 families so 8 of you will go in pair of two in your respective house, Allen and I will take one house each. So this way we can complete our work much faster and every family gets equal attention."

I never knew Noah was smart. Allen said "That sure is smart move, why did I not think about it earlier. Okay then which house is mine?"

Noah said "Pair up on the way and let me know who is going with whom."

Then we started walking towards the village.

On the way the pairs decided were me and Ollie, Luna and Grace, Nora and Louis and last pair was Sophia and Matt.

We reached the village and informed Noah our pairing. Noah allotted us house according to the members in the house.

Noah's and Allen's family had three members each.

Then Nora and Louis, Luna and Grace families had 4 members each.

Mine and Ollie's team had 5 members and same was with Sophia and Matt's but their family had a pregnant lady too.

After division we separated and went our ways. Our family was really nice and co-operative family.

The family consisted of an old lady, a man, his wife and their two daughters. The man works at a farm near the village and the girls attend the village school.

The girls name was Jackie and Jennie and being with the old lady made me miss my grandmother. I guess all grandmother are same, loving and caring.

We helped them get their routine check up and the doctors ran a few tests on them.

After everyone in the village was checked and the test were done we all called it a day and went back to the camp area in the evening. 

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