Part 11. ISN'T SHE CUTE?

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After dinner we all sat down as usual, today we had Jayden, Jessie and Aaron with us.

The others were Noah, Ollie, Allen, Louis, Avery and Grace. We were sitting outside my tent and chatting.

Noah asked Jayden "How did you two meet?" He said pointing towards me and Jay.

Jayden laughed and said "Jessie and I had just returned back from our honeymoon and shifted to our new house. The day we shifted was our new neighbor's granddaughter's 13th birthday."

He looked at me and asked "Do you remember that day?" I just rolled my eye, he and Jessie laughed and he continued.

"Being a good and welcoming neighbor granny Jones invited us to her birthday party. Caro! Here is not a friendly person and did not like people around. For her birthday she did not wanted a party, she wanted to go to an amusement park. Guess what! The only people in her birthday party were her granny's friends and no one her age. Caro being Caro, she drank the drinks which was supposed to be for all the other members in the party other than her."

Ollie was shocked and asked "She had booze on her 13th birthday?"

Jessie nodded and said "She was so cute after that drink, I instantly fell in love with her. After that day she was like our baby sister."

Jayden said "She danced with the oldies, she kissed me on my lips saying that I am her dream man. I was her first kiss it was so embarrassing for her after that. She danced on a table like a stripper, granny was so embarrassed. Caro threw tantrum over going to amusement park. Then she broke down about how her parents did not care. I had to drag her back to her room, to stop her from creating more scenes. After that on the next weekend Jessie and I took her to amusement park as a birthday gift from us."

Jessie cut him off and said "Amusement park was more funny."

I cut her off "No you are not telling them that story. Anyways Aaron is asleep, put him in my tent."

Jayden carried Aaron inside while Jessie said "Please that is the most funny story."

Allen said "I would love to know, she looks like a interesting person."

Jessie told them, I so hate her. "We were dining at Royal Restaurant when all of a sudden a park photographer approached our table and started snapping pictures. Caro thought he was taking pictures of her and started smiling. She was in the process of getting up from the table to strike a pose when I asked what she was doing. She then realized the photographer was focusing on what was behind her, a marriage proposal. She almost blocked the important 'will you marry me?' moment. The couple too realized what was she up to and instead of that proposal being romantic, it turned out to be funny. Everyone in the restaurant understood what has happened and was laughing. She was so embarrassed, she ran away from there."

I rolled my eyes and said "It was embarrassing and a boy from school was also there and gossiped about it in school. He even spread rumors about me being in a theme park with my adult boyfriend."

Allen commented rudely "If he would have not been married, maybe he would have been your boyfriend. He was your dream boy and first kiss."

I felt bad that Allen thought like this about me, he knew nothing about me yet he is judging me.

Noah just chuckled and said "Chill Man! My sister was 13 and was drunk what more can you expect from a 13 year old drunk child. She is a crazy one."

Everyone laughed except Allen. Noah asked "But how come that boy assume he was your boyfriend?"

I told him "It was me and Jayden alone who went in ferry wheels as Jessie was afraid. He was just behind us and clicked few pictures of both of us and spread it in school. As I did not have any friends and no one in school has ever seen me so happy or smiling believed the rumors."

Grace was shocked and asked "You may had to go through a lot of bullying?"

I nodded and continued "My only friends were two boys, Flex and Max! Both of them were twins. After the rumor had spread Flex stopped talking to me, Max was there but he committed suicide a month later."

Avery asked "Why did he commit suicide?"

I shrugged and said "I don't know, neither he left a note or he told anyone what problems was he facing. Flex became more aggressive and rude towards me, because I was Max's only friend like he was mine. He started spreading more false rumors about me, I was talk of the school, including teachers. I was always late to school or classes, always had a fight with other students. I was punished a lot but thank god granny understood me and never judged me."

Noah said "I wish I was there for you and granny, she sure was the best grandmother, I guess!."

I nodded and continued "I was almost rapped three years ago by Flex. Thanks to the canteen lady, the only person in school who actually liked me. She saved me but after that I was never same. Jayden on observing me for a week understood something was wrong with me and became my Psychologist too as he is one. He and Jessie by then had Aaron and Aaron was the one who kept me calm, his smile was infectious. I used to spend most of my time with them. Jayden taught me to paint, I was good at it but never took it as a hobby until then. Jessie taught me photography, she was interested in photography and took me to photography class with her. Lastly Aaron taught me to laugh, with him I was always happy, he was my godson and I owe my life to Jayden and Jessie, if they were not there maybe I would have committed suicide too."

Jessie and Jayden both hugged me like old times and Jessie said "You are our only family Caro! Don't ever think you owe us anything, without you I don't think I would have been able to pass the phase of me being a good mother. You have helped us so much, without you knowing. Jayden always wanted a little sister he can care about, protect her and after we met you, it felt like our family was complete."

Noah had tears in his eye and he hugged Jayden and said "I can't thank you any less for taking care of my sister. I wish I was there but I am happy she had more mature elder brother."

Jayden smiled and said "That's not a problem, she is my sister too and I would happily do anything for her. Anyways its late and we all have a busy day tomorrow let's call it a night."

Everyone looked sad on hearing my story, I guessed I spoiled their mood.

I said "I am happy, I found you all. This is the first time I opened up around someone other than Jayden and Jessie. I am thankful to have you all around. Thank you so much."

I hugged everyone and we called it a night. I was angry with Allen so I did not hug him and after Jayden and Jessie left with Aaron.

I went back to my room without even glancing his way.

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