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This is not clearly an epilogue but what everyone is doing years later. I just wanted my readers to know as I am also a curious reader.

I would love to know what the character of a story are doing after years.


Allen: Well he completed his graduation from NYC and when Caro was done with her school they told their parents about them being in a relationship. He is now handling his father's business.

Caroline: She studied art and now owns a art gallery. She was so confused in deciding her career. She wanted to study photography, art, then interior designing but finally she took arts. After she started her art gallery on the opening ceremony of the gallery Allen proposed her for marriage and she said yes. They are now parents of a beautiful boy named Adam.

Noah: He became a doctor as he has always wanted. He wanted to save childern like he was saved years ago. He is one of the famous pediatrician.

Bianca: Well she studied business and after marrying Noah, she is handling our parents business. They were happy atleast there was someone in the family to take over their business. They still don't have a kid yet.

Ollie: He grew up to me more handsome then Allen. I guess his puberty hit him late. He is taller then him now and better looking. He still tease me that I fell for the wrong brother. He realized he was a bi and that he did like Grace but he was too late. Now he has a boyfriend named Ray, they are going smooth. I think by next year we may hear wedding bells.

Grace: Well I am sorry to inform you all but she died in a plane crash, days after our school graduation. She was on her to meet her grandmother, when the crash took place and no one in the plane survived. We all were heart broken specially Ollie. Finally last year he found Ray and was able to move on.

Amelia: She is a fashion designer and married a famous actor. She is quite famous now but still stays in touch with us all.

Avery and Louis: Avery is a teacher now, whereas Louis is a lawyer who fights for human rights. They got married a year before Allen and I. They have two twin sons and a beautiful daughter, who is of same age as Adam.

Yemen: He is doing good too but we are not much in contact. We only see him during wedding of one of our friends. He is working  in a IT company in London.

Zack: He became a famous Olympic Swimmer. He even won many competitions, he even has Olympic medals. We are still friends. After few months he apologized and we all forgave him and he has been part of the group. He is a player and has been linked to many actresses, models and female sports personalities. But with us he is still our fool of a school friend Zack.

Jayden and his family: Jayden has become one of the renowned Psychologist of NYC. Jessie is a house wife with four kids. Aaron is doing good too and now he is at age where he hates girl thinking they have cooties. After Aaron there is Cara their beautiful daughter and after her twins Nora(girl) and Brett(boy).

I am god mother of Aaron and Cara. Whereas Bianca is god mother of Nora bad Brett. As for God father, they finally had god father after Nora and Brett were born. After lots of fight between Ollie, Allen and Noah all three of them are now God father of all the four kids.

Now did I forget anyone? Do let me know if you want to know more about someone.

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