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I walked out of her locker room who the hell does she think she is? I run this joint everyone in here is my fucking bitch. She looked so beautiful though. Snap out of it Joseph she's a bitch. I walked down to my locker room and got showered and changed. I'm going out tonight with the boys and girls from the locker room which meant she was coming.I couldn't be assed having another argument with her she's a bitch anyway.

I washed my hair re-brushed my teeth. Tied my hair into a tight man bun. I walked into my room to find Brianna

"Please don't do that to my sister again I know you hate her but you have no idea what she is going through"She said softly

"You think I care about her?"

"Joseph just please don't do that to her she'd already been in that spot before and the worst happened"She said sadly

I felt like a idiot a real idiot I didn't know.No snap out of it

"Look I'm sorry happy"

"It's not me Joseph it's her you need to apologise to she was really scared"

"Well then she isn't fearless then is she?"

"At least have some decency Joseph!"She yelled at me

"It's not like I was gonna hurt her I want nothing to do with her"I yelled back

"Ugh whatever"She said walking out.

Yeah I'm the biggest asshole in the company I don't really care who needs friends. Not me I get who I want when I want. Bad I know but do I give a crap. No.

I walked out my locker room and she was with Colby and Jon. I rolled my eyes she's always with them two my friends. I walked over and pulled Nicole a side I had to at least apologise then we can go back hating each other.

"What do you want?Wanna threaten me again?"She said looking at the floor.

I lifted up her chin and I looked down at her.

"No I'm here to apologise to you I didn't know somebody had done that to you before and it ended in the worst result"I said trying to act sincere.

"Thank you but It's not you care anyway your just Joseph at the end of the day you'll probably do it again your that type"She said walking past me.

I grabbed her waist

"What the hell do you mean that type?"

"The I don't give a crap about you but I'm going to pretend type"She said breaking my hold on her hips.

"You don't know me Nicole"

"You don't know me"She said walking off with my boys. She gonna play like that. Bring it on.

I walked down the corridor and then was escorted to the bar where the WWE celebrations were going on. I don't drink as heavily as the other guys I about two drinks then Im done.I don't like to drink heavily I'm a different guy more of an asshole then I already am. I walked into the party and everyone walked over to me Colby and Jon were with Nicole and Brianna. I sighed it's they are their own bodyguards. I walked deeper into the party beer in hand I sat alone. I'm not a party guy. Yep I hate parties but you have to attend otherwise Vince gets pissed. I was just sipping my drink as Mercedes,Aj,Summer walked over to me.

"Hello handsome"They said to me

"What's up?"I said to them

"You look lonely"Summer said to me

"I'm not I'd rather be alone"I said drinking my alcohol. Cedes and Aj walked off to find their Boyfriends here I am stuck with a slag.

She sat on my lap

"Summer what the hell you doing?"I said

"Sitting on you"She said

"Did you ask me if you could?"

"No but your mine anyway"

"No I am not we broke up ages ago get over yourself honestly"I huffed

"I miss you"She said brushing my face with her hand

"Summer stop"I said grabbing her hand and throwing it off my face.

She rocked herself against me. It felt disgusting. I stood up and she fell off my lap and crashed to the floor.

"What the fuck Joseph?"


"So what if I didn't I know you want me"

This is clear enough reason why I don't like parties. Girls throw themselves all over me. I stormed outside. I needed to calm down.

I felt a hand on top of my I cocked my head to the side to see Nicole.

"Are you ok?"She asked me

"Never been better"I said arsey to her

"Joseph please I'm just trying to be nice"

"Fine-yes I'm not okay I'm pissed"I said

She rubbed my hand gently

"Summer again?"

"Yep when isn't it Nikki?"I snapped

"Joseph-"she said softly

"I-look I'm sorry I'm just-you should go back inside I don't wanna be more than the asshole I am to you"I said turning to her.

"Come with me"She said

"Nicole I don't need to be babied"

"I'm not just come"She said pulling me gently I huffed and reluctantly walked in with her.

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