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Me and Joe arrived at the beach and he got out the car and walked off. I climbed out the car and followed him.

"My heart is just missing her. Just why can't I live my life without her. Nothing is the same. It's hard for me. To remember the memories I have with her. I just want her here with me I know it sounds crazy and I just want to remember even if I just remember for one day.It will be enough. I miss her but I don't know why. I can't deal with the reality. That there is nothing I can do but hope my memory comes back"Joseph said through a whisper.

"Joseph give it time Uce"

"I miss her laugh I miss everything. I have watched the videos I have with her. Why can't it be like that now. Why can't I hold her? Why can't I just remember my woman? It's her smile I miss from her man. I miss everything every touch. I can't bare it. I just keep watching them over and over and yet no memories are jogged. Life without her feels so wrong"He said staring at the floor.

"It will ease Joe you two are soulmates you'll find your way back to each other. You always did you always will"I said holding shoulder.

"My heart can't take this damage. It just shit really"He said as he threw a stone into the water.

"I know bud I know"I said

I realised I was now in Joe's role to me. He was always protective over always giving me the advice and now. The roles are reversed. I understood now knowing how hard it feels to know someone you love suffer.

"I can't just keep moaning about it. I am trying all I can. I have to watch myself cause my cancer could come out of remission. I could then go back into another long ass coma my memory even more damaged"Joseph sighed

"I know but I'll try take you places to jog your memory"

"I don't know if that will work"He said

"You giving up before you even trying"I said to him

"I know god I know"He said he hid his face in his hands and then looked up.

"I can do this I can do this"He said as he took deep breaths.

"That's it Joseph"I said to him

"We start tomorrow. I'm fucking remember this woman who means the world to my heart"He said

"I'm with you"I said as I took him into a hug.

"Okay-hoo"Joseph said we just chilled in the sun for awhile Joseph was relaxing and I certain he fell asleep. He was exhausted a lot. I think it was the chemo wearing off that was taking it out of him. His body was also getting used to the sudden movements again.

I placed a umbrella over him so didn't burn. He muttered Nicole's name in his sleep. I felt sorry for him.

"Bub"He said weakly before smiling slightly.

About five minutes later he jolted awake and was breathing heavily.

"Whoa Uce are you okay?"I asked him as I rushed to his side.

"Yeah-what the fuck?"He held his head and shook it.

"What's wrong what happened?"I asked him

"What did I just see?"He muttered to himself

"What do you mean?"I asked him

"I saw me and Nicole on a rock and I called her Bub and then it was like flashing like memories but I couldn't remember them"He said

"Whoa"I said to him

"I'm going insane"He said

"No it might have just been a dream"

"Why would it contain my memories?"He said

"I don't know Uce. Maybe your heart is trying to contact your brain and trying to help you remember. But I don't know that's weird"

"Yeah it is"He said as he sat up.

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