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I collapsed to the floor tears streaming down my face. Colby smirked and walked over to me.

"He never loved you"He said


My heart crumbled. The lingering sensation of his lips on mine.

He grabbed my wrists.

"Now baby don't be doing that to me. Don't start shouting at me. You listen to me"

The fear that overcame me was worse then Artem. In my mind I was screaming for Joseph. But no one came. I remained silent.

"Good girl"He said touching my face

"Colby please stop"I begged.

"No princess. I won't me and you are going to have a life together no matter what you say. That baby will go straight up for adoption once it's born and you will never have contact with that man again humm"He said


He grabbed my wrists and pushed me against the wall.

"Don't you dare fucking raise your voice at me"He said aggressively.

I began crying again.

"NICOLE!"I heard someone shout

"HELP"I screamed before Colby covered my mouth.

Jon opened the door and ran in. Tackling Colby off me.

They were fighting and Colby was knocked out cold. Jon ran over to me checking me and my stomach.

"Did he hurt you?"He asked me

I showed him my wrists. His eyes were wide.

"Where's Joseph?"

I bursted out crying and he held me tightly and ran upstairs to grab Mateo who was crying. I held him tightly and Jon took me and him to his home. They have moved so Colby wouldn't know where I was.

Brie was waiting at the door and I ran into her arms. She held onto me and I broke down. Jon walked past us with Mateo who was screaming for Joseph.

"What happened?"She whimpered

"Colby came-he told Joe-he wasn't the f-father and then-That he was my-boyfriend-Joe left-Colby attacked me-I don't know where Joe is"I cried.

Jon calmed down Mateo who held onto him tightly.


"I know you do buddy"Jon said rocking him With tears in his eyes.

Joe was truly gone. It was all my fault.

I called him multiple times. No answer. Jon called multiple times he declined them. Brie called him no answer. Jon checked his phone for Joseph's location

"HE TURNED IT OFF!" He shouted.

I grabbed Mateo and he was sleeping. His crying wearing him out. I placed him in bed and walked to find Jon pacing up and down. Constantly on his phone. Calling Joseph.

"Leati please please answer"



Jon threw his phone against the couch before collapsing in tears.

I ran over to him and held him tightly. He held me tightly.

"It's not your fault Nicole"He said

"But it is"

"No it's that assholes fault"He said

We had to wait until tomorrow to put out a missing person. I felt sick. Jon called the cops and Colby was arrested for assault and endangering a unborn child.

I sat in the spare room Joseph was staying in. The smell of his cologne making me miss him so bad. His jumpers scattered around the room. I looked to the side of his bed. It was a picture of me and him.

I know I don't remember you. I know I'm hurting you. But I'll stop at nothing till I know my heart is with you again. Till my mind fills my head with the memories of you and me. Hell even if I have to fall in love with you again I will. I don't even wanna picture this life without you. No memories yet I still miss the comfort of your voice. My heart is screaming for you. My mind lost.

I will never give up. Cause I know I love you. I was yours for a reason. Those reasons I just have remember. I won't ever leave you alone. I promise.

I love you. Joseph Anoa'i ❤️

My heart fucking sank reading that. I could picture him reading that. I walked over to find papers scattered

I picked one up

Nicole Anoa'i Nicole Anoa'i. That's all I want. Stephanie Nicole Anoa'i. Stephanie Nicole Anoa'i Mateo Anoa'i Joseph Anoa'i and baby Anoa'i.

I just gotta remember-Joseph Anoa'i

I picked another one up

-Remember Nicole
-Never take her for granted
-love her forever
-stay with her for awhile
-Greet our new baby
-Get engaged in Romé the place she always wanted-Brie told me
-Nicole Anoa'i
-Fill her bucket list.
-Fill mine
-raise our children.
-watch them grow.
-Live my life to the fullest with you.
-Always tell you I love you.
-Never gonna leave you.
-Live my life with you until we leave this world and spend the rest of eternity together in a world where I have you by my side every step.
-Watch our children fall in love and have their own.
-Be the best Grandparents
-Spend everyday together.
-Spread our wings as we go to the wonderland of eternity together

I cried. He really wanted to remember. He kept trying every time he woke up. I felt sick. I ruined it. I fell asleep holding his notes.

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