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I woke up in his arms. His scream last night I don't think I have heard a more horrific sound to leave his mouth then that.I was worried about him. He was just so weird last night. I just it didn't feel like I was in bed with my Joe. I just didn't know how to feel about it.

I slipped free from his arms and headed into Mateo's room. He was walking up and rubbing his eyes I walked over to him and he smiled widely at me.

"Momma"He whispered gently

"Hey my baby boy"I said happily as I picked him up.

"Mommaaa"He said as he snuggled into my neck

I smiled as I slipped my hand underneath his bum holding him onto my hip. I walked down the stairs with with him and I sat him on the floor next to his toys. He was playing with his toys and I started making his bottle for his breakfast.

"OSEPHHHH!" I heard Mateo shout

"Hello little man"Joseph said to Mateo

"Osephhhh!"He shouted and I heard him scramble to get to wherever Joseph was. I heard Teo get louder and I turned to find him on Joseph's hip.

"Hello there My pair of handsome boys"

Joseph and Mateo smiled at me

"Hello our gorgeous Woman"Joseph said to me making me smile and kiss his tasty lips. He smiled into the kiss.

"Daddy we play?"Mateo said as he looked up at Joseph. Joseph was frozen.Oh no.

"Mateo dont-"I said

"No it's okay Nicole"He said as he broke from his frozen stature.

"I sorry you make me feel like you my dada but better"Mateo said with a sad look

"Little man look at me. You can call me whatever you want to bud"Joseph said to Mateo

"So Daddy okay?"He asked Joseph

"Of course it's fine bud"He said as Mateo cuddled Joe.

"DADDDDYYYYY"Mateo shouted making me laugh and Joseph tear up. I looked at him and he chuckled and smile before tears dropped onto his cheeks.

"Mateo why don't you go play and daddy will be right there momma just wants to talk to him"I said as I walked over to Mateo.

"Okay"He said

Joseph crouched down and set him on the carpet and Mateo crawled off. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled Joseph close to me.

"Are you okay?"I asked him I was concerned  about my man I mean Joelle was probably the last time he heard that name.

"Yeah-I wasn't expecting him to come out with that"Joseph said as he looked to the floor

"Are you sure your okay?"I said as I lifted up his chin

"Bub I'm fine don't worry I'm being pathetic anyway"He said

"Your not Bubba you went through so much shit don't you dare think that"I said as I planted my lips on his. He smiled and pulled me into a cuddle

"I love you"He said

"I love you too"I said happily.

He smiled and kissed me before he turned to walk and sit with Mateo. I got back on with making breakfast and I made me and Joseph some food after.

I walked into them playing and it was so cute.

"Daddy look car"Mateo said as he held up a toy car.

"That's it bud car well done little man for remembering"

He crawled over to Joseph

"You dah best like momma daddy"Mateo said

"No You are bud"

"No Daddy and momma"

Joseph laughed and held onto Teo as they hugged. Joseph didn't notice me.

Joseph looked at Mateo and then smiled.

"Mateo come here bud"He said

Mateo crawled over to Joseph.

Joseph held out his hands as he stood Mateo up. Mateo grabbed his hands immediately.

"That's it little man"Joseph said with a smile.

"Daddy I scared"He said

"It's okay to be afraid buddy I get scared too but I'm right here I promise I won't let anything happen to you"
Joseph stood up and held Mateos hands gently.

"Let's try okay"


Joseph took a slight step and Mateo did too.

I gasped so proud of him that's when Joseph noticed me. He smiled at me and turned Mateo in my direction.

"Let's try get to momma"Joseph said

"Okay Daddy momma we come come"He said making Joseph and me laugh.

Joseph took gentle steps and held onto Mateo.

"We are getting there bud"Joseph smiled encouraging Mateo who smiled up at Joe.

They continued to walk closer to me when Mateo let go off Joseph's hands and walked the final steps to me he collapsed into my arms.

"I DID IT MOMMAAA"He shouted and I held him with tears streaming down my face

"You did baby you did"I said as I wiped my tears four long months I have tried to get him to walk. Joseph was smiling at me.

"Joseph"I said slowly. He just smiled and walked over to me.

"Surprise"He said

"What?"I said in shock

"Daddy and me practiced"Teo said

"What when?"I said

"Maybe when you weren't here"Joseph said with a cheeky smile

"You cheeky pair of boys"I said

"Well surprise Baby"Joseph said to me

I smiled at him before kissing him

I'm going to add the POV's Of Jon and Brie as well but I'm going to make a spin off of this book making it Jon and Brie's story. Sorry the update took so long I have been busy with family but I'll be back to updating normally :)

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