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Meh I look alright besides I can't be arse looking snazzy when I'm gonna probably shit faced I mean I do like a drink

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Meh I look alright besides I can't be arse looking snazzy when I'm gonna probably shit faced I mean I do like a drink.

I heard my front door open and my brother stepped inside

"Hey uce"Jon said as he sat on the sofa

"Hey Uce how are you?"I asked him as I walked into my living room.

"Alright I actually messed up so bad uce I've lost her"Jon said tearing up

"Whoa whoa lost who?"I said Sitting down next to him

"Paige I've fucked it. She broke up with me"He said as tears rolled down his face.

"What the hell did you do?"


"Don't say you cheated on her"

"I didn't god fuck me if I did I'd hurt myself"

That's what I said to Nicole. I hope she's okay

"Joe?"He said to me

"Sorry just thinking about something"I said


"Well what did you do?"

"Well-I was talking to Becky and then she thought I was cheating so we argued and I said fine then I will cheat so then you have something to shout at me about"

"Dude you said that what the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I was just angry and now she won't talk to me I've tried everything to fix it. I've fucked it so bad"He broke down into tears

"No uce you haven't give her time okay?"

"I can't go long without her Joseph I love her"I sighed feeling bad for Jon. I'd never felt 'love' well not after loosing Galina.

I took Jon into my arms I couldn't bare seeing my brother like this not again.

"Come on let's go out I'll buy"

"I don't even want to now Joseph"He said drying his eyes

"We getting drunk on my sofa again?"

"I'm up for that"He said walking to me kitchen.

"Gimme one too"I said as I took out my phone.

I had a text of Nicole.

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I smiled after reading our messages

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I smiled after reading our messages.

Jon passed me an ice cold beer.

"Drink up in three up"Jon said a bit tipsy

"Uce slow down"I said firmly.

"Come on Joseph don't be a bore"

"Jon don't be an asshole"I said even more firmly.

"Look I'm sorry okay I need to clean my mind"

He gulped down the packet of beers I had in my fridge and went outside to my out door fridge to grab another pack. I'd only had three beers and lost interest quickly. I was to busy thinking about her. Again she's always on my mind. I can't understand why. I used to hate her now I'm friends with her. Now I'm wondering why she won't get off my mind.

It's that bad I get a nervous feeling when I'm with her. I got so protective of her. I am so protective of her. Jesus. I can't-no I can't Jesus I can't-shit I do. No fuck Joseph you idiot. You absolute idiot. You like her. More then a friend oh god. YOU FUCKING IDIOT.

Omg no I don't. I do. Ugh I can't like her I'm not good enough I mean I'm a bipolar ass. I fucking threatened her most of the time. I scared her. God I'm just like Artem.

I cracked open the beer trying to forget her. Trying to forget my feelings for the girl I was desperately and hopelessly falling for. Shit fucking shit

Six beers down and me and Jon were a fucking mess just the way we wanted to be.

"Imagine this Joseph two brother sat on a fucking sofa drunk out of our asses because we are sad"He chuckled

"You know if I'd never changed from enemies with Nicole I'd never feel this way for her"

"Whoa whoa whoa you like Nicole?"

"I don't know I'm either In love or I'm falling"I said laughing


"I KNOW"I laughed

"More beer"

"We should go to bed we've been drinking all day"I yawned

"You can I'm staying up"Jon said

"No come on uce we can dream about our girls"I smirked

"I'm fucking down with that"He said running up the stairs. I laughed and ran after him we collapsed onto my bed.

"We are shit faced"I joked

"Your shit faced and in love with Nicole and I'm shit faced and in love with Paige. What has our life come too big uce"

"I don't know I'll know I'll dream about her tonight though"I smirked

"We both will"He smiled before falling asleep I fell not long after him

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