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Me Nicole what?A baby how much have I lost. I can't remember anything. Why? Why is this happening? I-I.

I sat alone in the silence. My mind racing. Fucking remember Joseph. Where was I? Think think.

God I can't remember.

I slammed my hands onto my bed I was frustrated. Confused lost. Am I seriously with Nicole? What the hell even happened? How much happened?

No matter what I did I couldn't remember anything.

The door opened and it was Nicole. I looked at her with sad eyes. You could tell she was pregnant. She had a bump. I felt my heart sink.

"Hey"She said softly

"Hey"I said chocking on the lump in my throat

"How are you feeling?"She asked me

"Confused-lost-hurt,there's so much I have forgotten according to Jon. Is it true?Are we together?"I asked her

She just looked down and nodded. I felt my stomach turn and nausea overcome me. I held my head as I felt light headed. A sensation I felt before but I can't remember when.

"Joseph?"She said softly as she walked over to me.

"I don't feel good"I admitted. She placed her hand against my forehead.

"Your burning up,let me get a doc"She turned and I grabbed her wrist

"No,get Jon to get one I just. I need you to help me. Help me remember Nicole please"I begged her


"Please I need to know. What happened to me. What happened to us"I said with a sad look on my face I just couldn't remember.

"I-I'll get him to go"Nicole said to me

"Thank you"

She walked out my room and returned 2 minutes later.

"I'm back"she said weakly.

I just looked at her. I sighed and closed my eyes trying to remember. Anything. Anything please something come to me.

"Joseph?"She said softly

"I'm trying. I just...I can't remember anything"I felt my eyes fill. I couldn't remember her.

"It's okay-just-"She fell silent. God I was hurting her.

"Nicole I'm so sorry please don't be upset I'm trying-I promise I just-"I felt tears fall down my face. I have no memory.

I couldn't even remember Jon at first. When I heard his voice when I was waking up I was like who the hell?But then I realised it was Jon. I knew this was Nicole but I have no idea what even happened. The last thing I can remember with Jon is the argument with Colby after he and I had that huge fight.

She walked over to me and ran her hand up and down my arm. I felt like an idiot. Her she is carrying my fucking baby yet I can't even remember her. I'm so useless.

"It's okay Joseph please don't stress yourself. I don't want you going back into that Coma"She said

I took a deep breath and shook my head. I remember I have leukaemia. But what happened before?

"Mr Anoa'i"I heard the doctor speak

"Um hello"I said with discomfort in my voice. Well I still have my fear of doctors.

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