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She was leaning against my chest playing with my hand. Linking it with hers. I smiled at her. She smiled with me I lent down and planted my lips on hers she's so beautiful. I'm in love. She's my world I can't fuck this up she's mine now. I want her to know I love her but it's too soon and I don't wanna scare her away. She's just ugh my world and more. I want everything in this to work I need this to work I'll lose myself without her.

"Hey handsome you okay?"She asked me breaking my thoughts

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"Hey handsome you okay?"She asked me breaking my thoughts

"Yes I'm fine just thinking about us like always"I admitted,she looked at me and smiled.

"Really mr Whatcha thinking about?"She asked running her fingers through my beard as if she was trying to comb it down.

"Just us, how I can't fuck this up"I said turning away from her slightly

"Joseph look at me"She said caressing my face and gently moving it to her direction

"What?"I said my eyes not meeting hers

"Look at me"She said lifting up my chin

I finally allowed my eyes to meet hers and I got lost immediately. Those eyes hooking me again.

"Bubba this isn't all on you that isn't how a relationship works it's on both ends. Joseph we will take it slow cause I don't wanna lose you either it would be hell without my Samoan"She said resting her forehead against mine and running her hands down my face.

"I'm just so scared"I said my eyes filling

"You don't have to be in yours and your mine. We don't need anyone else to tell us how we should act as a couple or whatever they think. Joseph this is our choice and I want this with you I want nothing more then to be Joseph Anoa'i's"She said before connecting our lips my hand slipped to her face pulling her closer to me. The sensation I loved. I love I can't let this end.

We pulled away and let out a laugh or two before I stood up and picked her up bridal style and carried her back to my car.

"Why you carrying me?"She asked me wrapping her arms around me

"I just want you to be in my arms"I said leaning down and kissing her head. She pouted and giggled

"What?"I chuckled

"You actually did that to me wow Anoa'i"

"What what did I do?"

"You didn't kiss me"She giggled

"Ahh I see"I said before slamming my lips onto hers the sweet taste of cherry chapstick coating mine. I smiled into our kiss before driving back to the arena we had to start getting ready For smackdown.

Later on

"Joseph?"I heard someone called out.

"One sec"I said before opening the door

It was Brie what is she doing here?

"Can I talk to you?"She asked me

"Sure thing come in"I said with a smile

"I know I should be talking to Nicole about this but I can't find her"She said sitting down on my sofa. I sat next to her

"Something beating you up?"I asked

"It's really bad..."Her voice trailed off

"Is the baby okay?"I asked

"Yes but-Colby he's I think he doesn't wanna be with me anymore"She said as tears filled her eyes

"Whoa whoa why would you say that?"I said wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

"I've seen him with the others Joseph. If you haven't noticed he didn't like it when Nicole and you started getting close. I think he used me to get to Nicole"She said as tears rolled onto her face. I felt terrible for Brie

"Colby is an asshole to Nicole why would he use a strong girl like you?"I questioned

"Cause I'm not Nicole Joseph-you may think I'm happy as who I am I'm not"She said turning to me

"I know what the feels like-Brianna listen to me. You are strong your beautiful and fuck Colby if he doesn't see that right? You're your own person so fuck him if he wants to cheat on you. He won't know what he has until he lost you"I said pulling her into a hug.

Nicole stood at my door and ran in as she saw Brianna was upset in my arms

"Joseph what happened?"She said running over to Brianna

"She thinks Colby is using her to get to you"I said firmly

"Me why me?"She said with a confused look

"Look at you Nikki that's why"Brianna said sadly

"Hey don't you dare compare yourself to me Brianna don't you fucking dare"Nicole said pulling her into a tight hug I joined it and kissed Brie's head she didn't deserve this

"I'm gonna go talk to Colby and see what he has to say"I spoke up

"No Joseph it's okay I'm over thinking"Brianna said wiping her eyes

"Brianna are you sure?"I asked

"Yes Joseph I'll be fine"She said smiling with wet cheeks

"Brianna please let us ask Colby"Nicole insisted

"It's okay it's not your guys's issue"She said before walking out

"That was unexpected"I said as I wrapped my arms around Nicole's waist.

"Yeah I can't help but think Colby would of something like that"She sighed

"Well we can look after her"I reassured her

"I'm glad I have you beside me. I just do t want her to end up like me trapped in a relationship with a kid"

"That won't happen Bub"I said before kissing her

"I hope your right Joseph"She said as she clung to me

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