Chapter 8: Gone Hunting

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Y/n walked through the surrounding forest of Beach City; he was in his armour with his pistol drawn. When he was on the boardwalk earlier in the day, Ronaldo was being awfully loud about seeing two gem like monsters in the forest and Y/n wanted to see if he could gain a deeper understanding on what makes them tick.

The pistol had its silencer attached and Y/n was focused, he wanted to see if he could get to the corrupted gems before the Crystal Gems could, he doubted he could because Garnet seems to know how to find them.

It wasn't long before he heard fighting in the distance, changing direction slightly, he moved towards the sounds, being sure to keep quiet.

"Alright Pair here's the plan." Y/n said quiet as he observed Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl fight two rather large, corrupted gems. One of the corrupted gems was almost fully purple, but had green splotches around its body while its gem was located on its forehead. The other gem was a mix between a sandy colour and white, with its gem in the centre of its chest. "Once I poof one of the corrupted gems, I want you to immediately start scanning its gem when I pick it up." He finished as the fight continued.

Garnet was quick to dodge many of the attacks the two monsters dealt, soon, there was an opening for Garnet, so she took it and ended up poofing the Purple gem monster.

This enraged the other corrupted gem, causing it to force Garnet and Pearl away as it charged at Amethyst.

Without saying a word, Y/n jumped out of the forest, landing two shots on the beast, causing it to howl in pain and miss Amethyst. The Crystal Gems all watched as the unknown individual proceeded to shoot another six bullets into the monster's head while this didn't cause it to poof, it definitely made it angry.

Seeing this, Y/n activated a plasma blade that extended out from the top of his wrist, resting just above his hand; the blade itself was over 14 inches long. The corrupted gem shifted its focus on the new combatant, running at him at full speed.

Everyone watched as the stranger used his plasma blade and side stepped, missing the beast's attack but slashed it, finally causing it to poof.

"Dude ..." Amethyst mutter in awe as the stranger picked up the gem, seemingly to scan it as a bright blue light appeared from his helmet, focusing it on the gem he held.

"Who are you?" Garnet shouted as her and Pearl recovered from the body slam they received and surrounded the unknown assailant, with Amethyst soon joining in.

The three crystal gems stood around the metal man with their weapons drawn, ready for a fight. "Well? Are you going to answer her?" Pearl said, annoyed at how the individual was simply ignoring them.

The blue light that was appearing out of Y/n's helmet stopped as it finished scanning, he looked up and at the gems, noticing that they are ready for a fight.

"Initiate Active Camo." Y/n said in a complete whisper so only Pair could hear him.

Just as Amethyst was about to say something, the assailant disappeared and dropped the gem, causing it to fall to the floor with a slight thud. "What the? Who? What?" Amethyst questioned as she looked in all directions at a rapid rate.

"Garnet? Where is it? Do you see anything??" Pearl Panicked, believing that they were about to be attacked as she did the same as Amethyst.

Garnet didn't respond, she looked around a few times, but dissipated her gauntlets and walked over to the two corrupted gems laying on the floor, bubbling them quickly. "I can't sense it, whatever it was, its goal was to find these gems." Garnet said stoically as she held the bubbles.

"Was it a gem?" Pearl asked, still somewhat panicked as she too dissipated her spear with Amethyst soon following suite, walking over to where Garnet stood.

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