Chapter 88: Calm Before the Storm

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Y/n slowly opened his eyes, rubbing them as he sat up. He found himself inside the beach house, the gems quietly discussing in the kitchen area a few meters away from him.

"Morning guys," Y/n said as he stood up and stretched, it came to his attention that he was still wearing his armour, but his helmet was sitting on the table,

"Oh! Y/n! We were just talking about you!" Pearl said as she stepped over to greet him with Garnet and Amethyst,

Strange enough, Lapis and Peridot were nowhere to be found, same with Steven. "Oh god, only good things I hope ..." Y/n chuckled,

"Of course," Garnet nodded with a smile,

"Yeah, dude!" Amethyst cheered, hugging Y/n's legs, "There's nothing bad to say about you!"

Y/n patted the purple gem on the head, "Well, what were you talking about?" He asked, interested as he suppressed a yawn,

"Perhaps we should get you some coffee and breakfast first," Garnet stepped aside allowing Y/n access to the kitchen,

"Yeah, that would be nice," Y/n said, "Didn't eat much while on Homeworld ... The food they had was ... Interesting, to say the least,"

Y/n was quick to throw together some food since he never had much on Homeworld, and with the help of the gems, it didn't take long before they were all sat on the sofa. Only Y/n and Amethyst were eating though, "Where's Steven, Lapis, and Peridot?" Y/n asked as he bit into some waffle,

"Steven wanted to spend some time with them," Garnet informed as she adjusted her shades, "Mainly to stop them from worrying about you too much,"

Amethyst laughed, "Yeah! You shoulda seen them when you went on the ship!"

"Amethyst! Stop talking with your mouth full!" Pearl chastised,

Y/n laughed slightly, "What about Doc and Lucy? Did you even tell them I was gone?"

Pearl chuckled nervously, "We didn't want them to worry ..." She cleared her throat, "We just told them you went to visit some human relatives ..."

Y/n shrugged, "Alright,"

The group descended into a brief silence as Y/n and Amethyst chowed down. Once Y/n was finished, he took a sip of coffee and released a comfortable sigh, "What exactly happened on Homeworld?" Garnet broke the silence, "We were speaking about what happened with Steven, but you didn't get to tell us what happened with you,"

Y/n hummed, "Well, I lost track of Steven and Lars once we got off the ship, they used a warp pad, but I didn't make it in time to go with them," He explained, "I used the warp pad after, I thought by thinking of Steven and Lars it would take me to them ... Instead it took me to a Sapphire's residence,"

"A Sapphire?!" Pearl squealed, "What happened?"

"She was really nice, to be honest," Y/n admitted, taking another quick sip of the coffee, "After a while of talking to her, she helped me find Steven and Lars, she even came with us!"

"She left Homeworld?" Garnet asked,

"Yep! She's on the ship with the off-colours right now," Y/n explained,

"Damnnn, Garnet has come competition~" Amethyst teased as she wiggled her eyebrows,

Garnet just huffed, crossing her arms to the oblivious Y/n, "We'll see about that," Garnet mumbled under her breath.

"I'm not sure when Lars and his crew will get here," Y/n pondered for a moment, "I got Pair to add in the location of Earth onto the ship's computer, I'm not sure if it's right though as this timelines Earth could be located somewhere else,"

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