Chapter 36: Back To The Barn

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"Ahem, ahem. As it seems I have no other options, I have conceded to reveal some important information to you Crystal Gems." Peridot said as she prepared to give a presentation to the Crystal Gems on the Cluster.

Peridot snapped her fingers, cuing Steven to shuffle in, wearing a box with a crudely drawn picture of Earth on it. Peridot, using a flyswatter as a pointer, smacks the box.

"This!" Peridot started, earning a gasp in surprise from Steven. "... Is the Earth. At the very centre of the planet's core lies... the Cluster! Rotate."

Steven complied, rotating the box to show the cluster inside of Earth's core.

"This is the Cluster. A massive, artificial fusion composed of millions of Gem shards. It has laid dormant for thousands of years within this planet's crust. When this Gem activates and takes its form, the result will be catastrophic. Now!"

Steven began making noises that escalated, meaning something was going to happen. Soon, a puppet burst from inside the box, causing the gems to gasp.

"It does not look like that. But it is real, and it can activate at any moment!" Peridot explained.

"Bwaaaah." Steven said in a husted tone.

"What a cluster." Amethyst said sarcastically.

"That abomination must be stopped." Garnet told.

"We'll need to build a drill then, strong enough to withstand the pressure and heat from that deep in the Earth's crust." Y/n told.

"Yes, I agree!" Pearl smiled.

Peridot swatted at Pearl and Y/n with the flyswatter. "Hey! I wasn't finished speaking! What we need is to build some sort of machine to take us to the centre of the Earth."

Pearl and Y/n just looked at each other with confusion. "Yeah? I just said that?" Y/n told, tilting his head slightly.

"It'll need to withstand up to 360 gigapascals of pressure and temperatures of 9800 degrees." Peridot added, ignoring Y/n completely.

"Indeed, Y/n was the one who came up with the idea." Pearl said, earning a pout from Peridot.

"I could've too." The small green gem muttered.

"Anyway, what would we need to build the drill?" Y/n asked, open to suggestions.

"We'll start by dismantling all devices inside this dwelling." Peridot proclaimed.

"Wha?" Steven said, unsure about the idea.

Peridot ran to the kitchen and grabbed the microwave.

"This primitive radiation concentrator should come in handy!" Peridot teared the microwave off the cupboard and throws it on the counter. She then grabbed a corded phone from the living room.

"This primitive vibration transmitter could possibly serve a function!" Peridot smashed the dials on the table, splitting it in half. She then runs up to Steven's room and lifts up the television.

"There's a remote chance something useful could be inside this primitive image cube!" Peridot smashed the TV on the floor.

"Wait!" Steven shouted running up to Peridot. "I have a better idea that doesn't involve destroying the house!"

"Classic Steven." Amethyst chuckled.

"What does this 'idea' involve?" Peridot asked carefully.

"We could go to the barn! That should have all the stuff we need!" Steven cheered.

"Good idea, Steven!" Pearl complimented.

"Before we go, mind if I get Pair?" Y/n asked.

"Yes, he will be very useful to have." Garnet nodded.

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