Prologue: Changing Times

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The rain poured down towards Earth, soaking the Columbian jungles. The moon was high in the sky, illuminating what little areas it could. A research facility could be seen in the distance, bright lights shining, trying to fight against the tides of darkness.

Y/n was expertly sneaking through the dark and dingy jungle as he progressed towards his objective: To located and destroy a separatist experimental weapon. His high-tech armour provided him protection against the harsh weather that was currently attacking the area, even so, Y/n used the weather and his skills to be effectively invisible to the untrained eye.

Due to the location of this mission, Y/n's armour was coloured dark green and complemented with carbon black. He was thankful for this as he moved ever closer to the research facility, making sure to move when guards looked away.

"Pair, do you think you can turn off the lights?" Y/n spoke quietly to his robotic friend that was attached to his suit of armour. Pair was the name of the AI given to Y/n when he received his armour, his role was to assist Y/n in repairing his weapons, armour, and even used to help infiltrate secure bases.

Pair beeped in response, managing to gain access to the base's grid wirelessly. In a few short seconds, many of the lights went out but a few remained on as to not cause a panic. "Thanks." Y/n said, closing the gap between him and the walls of the facility.

He quietly climbed up to the top thanks to some large military vehicles parked nearby, bringing his legs over the wall and onto the flooring. Once he was on the wall surrounding the base, he immediately began making his way to the main building, staying out of the lights, and keeping his silenced M1911 pistol ready.

Y/n had managed to find a side door to the facility, he quietly and slowly moved to a pile of large metal containers that sat beside it. Looking around them, he saw a guard stationed at his post, thinking quickly, he tapped the metal boxes loud enough for the guard to hear.

Once the guard heard the noise, he started walking towards the containers. "Who's there?" The guard questioned, raising his assault rifle up to the boxes. Y/n responded by tapping the box once more, louder. "Show yourself!" The guard said as he began turning the corner.

Before he even knew what hit him, Y/n pulled out his trusty hunting knife, grabbed the guard by the mouth, slitting his throat. As the guard passed away within Y/n's grasp, he slowly opened one of the metal containers, revealing an abundance of military hardware. Ignoring it for now he lifts the body up and stashes it away, along with his weapon.

Y/n quickly checked his surroundings to make sure he hadn't alerted anyone which thankfully, he hadn't. He focused back on the mission and entered through the side door, most of the lights in the building were also out so he didn't have to worry about that.

Walking quietly through the military style facility he eventually found what he was looking for, it was a room labelled 'Classified'. From the intel he had been given, the experimental weapon was located somewhere within this room, taking no time to ready his pistol and open the door. The door opened with a slight creak, luckily, no one was present. Double checking, he fully entered the chamber, it had all sorts of scientific experiments and inventions around the place. He was looking for something in particular. "Pair, do you see anything labelled MR264?" Y/n asked the AI that was attached to the back of his suit.

With a few beeps and boops, a ball like object separated itself from the back of Y/n's armour, it suddenly sprouted 8 legs and had one blue eye. It was Pair, he was able to separate himself from the armour, allowing him to investigate the facility for himself.

"Good idea, you search over there while I do over here." Y/n said, seemingly able to understand the robotic beeps. The two of them split up as they searched for MR264, it was good that Y/n had infiltrated the facility during the storm, it meant many of the scientists were back at home base.

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