Chapter 32: Friend Ship

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"Okay, I realize that was a bit of a fiasco. But there's a silver lining to this!" Pearl claimed, trying to keep spirits high.

Pearl soon got off the warp pad, Steven, Amethyst, and Garnet following suit as Pearl stood next to Peridot's escape pod.

Before she could continue, Y/n walked through the beach house door, fully kitted in his armour, but held his rifle and helmet in his hands. "Hey guys, sorry I'm late."

"Y/n! Where were you? We could've caught Peridot if you were there!" Steven moaned, running up to the tall metal man.

"Oh ... Sorry, my sleep was pretty broken last night." Y/n told, stifling a yawn.

"Is something the matter?" Pearl questioned.

"Nah ... I just woke up at like 3am and had this strange craving for shredded cheese." Y/n admitted, causing Pearl to cringe at the mention of food.

"Oh, man! You too? I get that every night!!" Amethyst cheered as she ran over to Y/n, looking to get a high five.

Y/n quickly high fived the small purple gem, but Steven was fast to complain. "So that's why we don't have any shredded cheese!" He whined.

"Sorry Ste-man, I beat you too it." Amethyst teased, earning a pout from Steven.

"Anyway ..." Y/n started, looking over to Pearl and Garnet. "What'd I miss?"

"We just fought with peridot." Garnet informed, adjusting her shades.

"Yes! ... But it went worse than expected ..." Pearl blushed.

"What's the plan then? We can still track her with the escape pod, right?" Y/n asked, stepping over to the green pod that was sat in the middle of the beach house.

"Of course!" Pearl said proudly, interacting with the escape pod so a holographic screen could appear. She placed her hand into it, causing data to appear in her eyes.

"It's Peridot. She's using the warps right now." Pearl projected a globe hologram from her gem, with a marker pointing around northern South America. "Look! This is where she is. We got her for sure this time. If she thinks she's got the upper hand, then she's got another thing coming. And that's us!"

Pearl walked over to the warp pad with Garnet following soon after, but still seemed incredibly tense.

"Well ... At least Pearl's optimistic." Steven told.

"It won't help. She can hand Peridot over on a silver platter, but it won't make up for the stunt she pulled to get Garnet to fuse with her." Amethyst said, before walking over to the warp pad to join the others.

Steven looked up to Y/n for some imput. "Don't worry too much about it, they'll fix everything out ... eventually." Y/n said, putting his helmet on and walking over to the warp pad.

Steven pondered the words that Y/n said, he wasn't quite sure what would happen, but he needed to be optimistic.

"Steven, let's go!" Garnet yelled, breaking him out of his daydream.

The little boy rushed over to the warp pad, joining the group as it suddenly chimed, sending them to South America.


"Woah!" Steven gasped as the group was transported to South America, giving them a view of an Ancient Gem Spaceship.

"Ha! She's desperate. Look at this! She's cornered herself in there!" Pearl claimed, being overconfident.

"Mmm." Garnet and Y/n hummed, both knowing that this was obviously a trap.

"We've got her just where we want her." Pearl added.

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