Chapter 51: Hit the Diamond

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"Lapis, Peridot?" Y/n questioned as he walked into the main room of the lighthouse, recently having just finished a shower, and wearing new clothes.

"Y/n!" The two of the cheered, quickly moving from the sofa, and tackled Y/n in a tight hug.

"Woah, I've only had a shower ..." Y/n laughed as he returned the embrace.

"It's still nice to see you again." Lapis admitted as she separated slightly.

"I agree, your presence is very ..." Peridot stopped, trying to think of a word. "Pleasing ..."

"Is that right?" Y/n chuckled as he walked over to the kitchen. "Well, I appreciate it." He smiled.

"So ..." lapis started as she joined the human, along with Peridot. "Any plans for today?"

"Hmmm ..." Y/n hummed as he looked at the time, it was 10:30 in the morning. "Yes, actually ... I was thinking of going over to the barn to retrieve my armour, and stuff."

"An excellent idea, me and Lapis could search for more valuable Earth amenities!" Peridot proclaimed with a wide smile.

"Alright then, you up for it Lapis?" Y/n smiled.

"Okay ..." Lapis nodded.

And with that, the three of them soon left the lighthouse with Y/n making sure to grab Pair. Now four of them, walked down the hill, and onto the beach.

They walked up the beach house stairs, and through the front door. "Hello, Steven." Y/n smiled as the little boy was sat on the sofa.

"Y/n! Lapis! Peridot!" Steven smiled, but missed someone out. "Pair!" He quickly added as the small robot crawled through the door.

"Hey, Steven!" Lapis cheered as Steven locked Lapis into a hug.

"Steven!" Peridot cheered too as she attacked Steven in a hug from the side.

"What're you guys doing here?" Steven questioned as he separated. "Didn't we have the movie night like ... Last night!"

"We did, but we were gonna go to the barn, collect my armour, and maybe a few other things." Y/n informed as the five started walking to the warp pad.

"Can I come too?!?" Steven gasped, even though it wasn't a magical adventure or anything.

"Sure." Y/n smiled as he ruffled the little boys hair. "But where are the others?"

"They're in their rooms or something." Steven shrugged as the five of them climbed onto the warp pad. "Oh! Wait!"

Steven rushed off of the warp pad and into the kitchen. He picked up a random piece of paper, writing something done. "Done!" He cheered as he rushed back on the warp pad, next to Y/n.

"What was that?" Y/n chuckled.

"Oh, it was to tell the gems where we are!" Steven smiled as the warp stream surrounded the group, taking them to the barn.


"Cool, my armour's still here." Y/n commented as him and Pair walked up to the armour. "Still in decent shape to be fair."

Pair beeped a few times, suggesting some upgrades that could be made.

Peridot and Lapis were looking for through random pieces of junk at opposite ends of the barn with Steven doing the same, but closer to Y/n.

"You guys found anything you like?" Y/n asked.

"Nope ..." Steven said, a bit disappointedly.

"Nah." Lapis shrugged, still looking through the various piles.

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