Chapter 83: The Homeworld Sapphire

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The warp stream ended, leaving Y/n standing on top of a warp pad that was situated inside some fancy hallway. The walls were all blue-ish in colour, varying shades, probably relating to Blue Diamond in some way?

Y/n shook his head, he could ask questions another time. Right now, he needed to find Steven and Lars, they could be in big trouble. "Pair, do a scan, are there any humans nearby?" Y/n said as he stepped off the warp pad.

Pair beeped a few times, the sound echoing throughout the quiet hallway. A blue light emitted from Y/n armour, spreading out into the surrounding area, and soon disappearing through the walls.

Unfortunately, the scan came back negative, proving Y/n's hope that the warp pad would simply take him to Steven completely failed.

"Ugh! Looks like we'll have to talk with the locals!" Y/n groaned, he had hoped this would've been much easier than he suspected, but that wasn't the case. Why didn't he attack while on the ship?

Either way, Y/n stepped lightly through the blue hallway, taking in his surroundings. There wasn't much and fortunately, the hallway wasn't long as it abruptly stopped at a smaller than average door.

Y/n looked for a panelled to interact with but strangely found no such device. Instead, he acted with an old Earthly custom, choosing to knock on the door twice.

A few short moments later, the door opened, granting Y/n a clear view of the occupant. "Oh! My Holiness! Wh-what a surprise!" A Sapphire said as she saluted, her featuring only being slightly different to the Sapphire Y/n was used to.

To begin, she had her gem located on her chest, her dress was slightly puffier as well as her hair, but while her hair was puffy, some of her bangs also went across the side of her hair. "Greetings, I hope I'm not bothering you," Y/n said casually, not really wanting to live up to the Homeworld idea of him.

"N-not at all!" The Sapphire stuttered, ice forming under her dress. "It is an honour to meet you in person!"

"Same here," Y/n shrugged. "Would I be able to come in?"

"O-of course!" The Sapphire nervously smiled. "I never expected a being such as yourself to be interested in my personal quarters."

Y/n nodded as the Sapphire stepped away, allowing Y/n access to her quarters. It was relatively small, had different shades of blue, and lacked furniture. It had a few chairs, rigidly built, seemingly uncomfortable to sit in.

What stood out was a small cushion that was in the middle of the room, probably meant for meditating and such. "Very tidy in here," Y/n commented as the Sapphire closed the door behind her.

"Thank you, my Holiness," She bowed, "I rarely get visitors, but I try to keep it in prime condition."

"Relax, you don't need to be so formal around me," Y/n waved off. "You can call me Y/n."

The Sapphire nodded, clearing her throat as she lowered her hands and stood up straight. "As you wish, Y/n."

Y/n shrugged it off, taking one last look before turning to the Sapphire once more. "So, I'm looking for two humans that have been captured," Y/n explained. "Have you heard anything? Or even seen anything?"

The Sapphire shook her head. "Unfortunately, no." She said. "But if they've been captured, they have probably been taken to the holding cells in Facet 10."

Y/n nodded. It was a start at least. "Could you take me there?"

The Sapphire gave a small smile. "Of course, right this way." She gestured to follow her as she turned to the door, opening it without hesitation.

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