Chapter 34: Catch and Release

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"It's pretty late, Steven ..." Y/n told, sitting on the sofa with the little half-human.

"Come on!! Please Y/n!" Steven begged, kneeling on the sofa, facing towards Y/n as he brought up his hands and held them together.

"Hmmm ..." Y/n hummed, looking at Steven.

Steven simply went to the extreme and pulled the face that all the Crystal Gems know too well.

"Fine, okay, you got me." Y/n groaned as he placed his hand on Steven's face, trying to hide his adorableness. "I'll sleep over for tonight."

"YES!" Steven cheered, throwing his hands in the air. "Oh! Oh! We could play Lonely Blade or-or watch scary movies!"

"Woah, woah." Y/n said with a chuckle. "Slow down."

"Right ..." Steven rubbed the back of his neck. "Would you like a drink?"

Y/n nodded. "As long as its not tea ... Pearl really likes drinking it with me."

"No prob-lem-o!" Steven smiled as he ran over to the sofa, pulling out two red cans of soda before running back to Y/n, handing him one.

"Thanks." Y/n smiled as he cracked it open and took a sip. "It's better than drinking tea all the time."

Steven let out a small chuckle, but soon the two descended into silence. "Y/n ..." Steven started breaking the silence, causing the human to look at him. "I'm glad you're here ... You helped me, and the gems ..." Steven appreciated.

"Hey, don't worry about it, you don't need to thank me." Y/n smiled, patting the boy on his head.

"But I do!" Steven exclaimed. "You helped us when we were trapped in that ship!

"Honestly, Steven, you guys were in trouble, I simply just helped." Y/n told, not wanting to be thanked. "Besides, I already know you'd do it for me, and any other human."

"But still ..." Steven told, looking down at his soda. "That reminds me, what're we gonna do about Peridot?"

"Hmmm ..." Y/n thought, taking a quick sip of the fizzy drink. "Is there anyway we could talk to her?"

"Oh! I know! We could-" Steven was about to suggest something, but the warp pad soon chimed, revealing the gems.

"Guys!" Steven cheered, running over to them.

"Hey." Y/n waved.

"Oh! Y/n! It's a pleasure to see you again!" Pearl commented with a smile.

"Yeah dude! We could totally watch the rest of Under the Knife!" Amethyst cheered.

"I didn't know you were watching Under the knife!!" Steven gasped.

"Yeah ... Amethyst kinda woke me up at like 5 just so we could watch it." Y/n told with a shrug.

"Amethyst! You know humans need their sleep!" Pearl chastised. "Why would you wake him up so early?"

"Relax P, we had a good time." Amethyst rolled her eyes. "Right, Y/n?"

"Yep, it was better than I expected to be honest." Y/n nodded, taking another sip of the drink.

"Still, humans need their sleep, and it is fairly late." Pearl told.

"Come on, Pearl!" Steven begged, wanting to stay up just a little bit longer.

"Steven." Garnet said, gaining the attention of the sweet little boy. "It is late, you, and Y/n must rest."

"Awh man ..." Steven pouted as he walked over to the stairs.

"Don't worry, Steven." Garnet adjusted her shades. "You and Y/n can have all the fun you want, tomorrow."

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