Chapter 93: Brewing

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Yellow Diamond sighed as she rubbed the bridge of her nose. Things were beginning to get complicated with the Sun Goddess returning to the folds.

A knock came from the door behind her, "Come in," She said, already guessing who it was while she switched to a more relaxed position in the chair.

"The news has already begun to spread," Blue Diamond said as she entered the chambers, "Some believe the Sun Goddess helped the 0ff-colour gems to escape ..."

"Don't be silly, Blue," Yellow shook her head, "That does not fit her character,"

"But what if it is true, Yellow?" Blue asked as she stood in front of the chair, "What if the Sun Goddess does not agree with our rule?"

Yellow scoffed, standing up and moving towards a window that overlooked a large part of Homeworld, "What is not agreeable?" She asked, "Our empire is still standing strong, the gems that serve us are as loyal as they come, she should be honoured to have returned to such a functional empire,"

"Don't you think that her presence would undermine our own rule?" Blue asked, "What if gems refuse to follow our orders unless the Sun Goddess herself speaks to them,"

"We will deal with that if we must," Yellow said, "I'm sure white will be able to conjure a plan that is acceptable,"

Blue sighed as Yellow continued her gaze out the window, it was clear that Yellow had no idea what to do about the Sun Goddess. In all their years alive, they had thought it to be impossible for one of the Goddesses to return, but here one is, "You know white will not speak to us, after what happened to Pink she stays in that blasted ship all to herself,"

"Blue, I know the road ahead will be difficult, but I am confident in our abilities," Yellow comforted, "We are diamonds after all, I'm sure the Sun Goddess must respect that,"

"I suppose you are right," Blue sighed once again, joining Yellow at the window, "I just hope the Sun Goddess does not disappear on us,"

Yellow hummed before she clicked her fingers, remembering something, "Blue, did you get any information on the Sapphire that disappeared?"

Blue nodded, "Yes, Sapphire, Facet 26 Cut 5XL," She said as she brought a blue screen up with her hand, "One of my personal Sapphires that was quite apt with her Future Vision,"

"She was spotted with those off-colour gems," Yellow hummed, "If she is helping them, there must be a punishment in place for her upon her capture,"

"I think this is a bit more difficult now, Yellow," Blue said, dismissing the screen,

"No, Blue, she is a traitor and deserves a traitors death!" Yellow spat,

"Yellow!" Blue fumed, "Just think for a minute! If the Sun Goddess was seen helping those off-colour gems, then it is likely she ordered the Sapphire to do some sort of job with them,"

Yellow clicked her tongue, blue did make a great point, "We cannot fault the Sapphire just yet, we must see what the Sun Goddess has to say,"

"Fine," Yellow relented, "I shall put an order for their capture, and I will post more look-outs for the Sun Goddess,"

"Thank you," Blue said in appreciation, they did not need to shatter a perfectly good Sapphire because she followed the orders that were given from the Sun Goddess.

The two Diamonds looked out to Homeworld, ships and gems on full alert for any sight of either the Sun Goddess or the off-colour gems. The last time it was this lively was during the age of the rebellion on Earth, a few thousand years ago.


"Y/n, I have a suggestion you might find agreeable," Rose spoke to Y/n as the human was leaned against the railing on the beach house deck,

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