Chapter 65: Boyfriend?

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"You guys really enjoy watching that show ..." Y/n commented as he ate a piece of toast while leaning against the kitchen counter.

"It is arguably the best show created by humans!" Peridot told as her, and Lapis sat on the sofa and watched Camp Pining Hearts again.

"It's the only thing you actually watch." Y/n pointed out as he finished his toast. "Why don't you try something else? Like Under the Knife?"

"Too much blood." Lapis told with a slight cringe.

"Yes, why would we want to watch a show around humans bleeding everywhere?" Peridot asked as Y/n walked up to the sofa and stood behind it.

"I dunno." Y/n shrugged. "Gives you an insight of the human condition I guess."

"Camp Pining Hearts does that too!" Peridot complained.

"I guess ... But all I see is people fighting over who gets to take Percy as their Boyfriend." Y/n chucked a bit.

"Boy ... Friend?" Lapis questioned with a puzzled look as she looked behind her, to look at Y/n.

"Yeah ... Y'know, relationship wise?" Y/n said, trying to explain it.

"Hmm ..." Peridot pondered. "Is it a human term for a couple?"

"Yeah, so, Percy would be Paulette's boyfriend." Y/n explained as he waved his hand in a circle motion. "It's just a term humans use ... So, Paulette would be Percy's girlfriend."

Peridot looked at Y/n. "Girlfriend? Why do you earthlings come up with so many terms!" She complained.

"It's just easier to say instead of Significant Other." Y/n shrugged. "There's a lot of terms you can use, but all of them just mean someone that you're with, romantically."

Lapis looked down, seemingly deep in thought. "Are there any ... Rules for someone to be your boyfriend?" She asked.

"I mean ... As long as you love each other back, and genuinely care for the other person, that's all really ..." Y/n said, not really knowing how to explain it.

"Ah! So they'd mean a lot to the person?" Peridot asked.

"Yeah, basically." Y/n nodded. "So, Ruby could consider Sapphire to be her girlfriend, and Sapphire could do the same with Ruby ... But I don't think they do."

The two gems looked back at the TV, both of them deep in though about something as it was written on their faces, but Y/n broke them two out of it. "I'm gonna head over to the bunker, I wanted to see how it's coming along and stuff." Y/n told as he stood up straight. "I'll be back soon, don't worry."

Y/n turned, holding his hand up as he waved at the two gems still sitting on the sofa. "BYE Y/N!" Peridot yelled, much to the annoyance of Lapis.

The blue gem sighed, lifting her hand, and waving back to Y/n. "Bye." She said simply, and quietly.

"Bye guys!" Y/n said one last time before he left through the door, and could be heard descending down the stairs.

The two gems sat in silence as they watched the Camp Pining Hearts episode play out, the only other thing that was heard, was an audible click ringing out from downstairs. It signalled that Y/n had exited the lighthouse, leaving the gems alone.


"Lapis! I finally figured it out!" Peridot proclaimed as she ran into the shared room they had which was originally the secret room that Y/n, and Steven had found.

Lapis separated from Peridot almost an hour ago, it was so she could get back to reading some books that Y/n had brought her. "Figured what out?" She asked in an indifferent tone.

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