Chapter 27: Relaxing and Learning

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"Oof ... Did you have to punch him in the gut like that?" Y/n asked as he overheard what Garnet said to Jamie.

"I told it him straight." Garnet shrugged, earning a groan from Steven.

"Why didn't you just let him down easy?" Steven prodded.

"Why did you respond to the letter for me?" Garnet shot back.

Before Steven could respond, Y/n placed a hang on his head as well as Garnet's shoulder. "You guys don't need to argue, I'm sure he'll be fine. I agree with Garnet that love-at-first-sight doesn't really exist, but ..." Y/n started looking up at Garnet. "You probably could have let him down a little bit easier."

"Fair enough." Garnet replied as she moved from where she was stood, and to the sofa, quickly sitting down as Y/n, and Steven joined her. "We can sort that out tomorrow."

A brief silence surrounded the three as the rain continued to pelt the beach house. It wasn't late, but the dark clouds that stopped any remaining light from illuminating Beach City would have you think otherwise.

"Any ideas on where Peridot could be?" Y/n asked, breaking the fragile silence.

"We believe she might try and hide within the Kindergarten, but we haven't seen her yet." Garnet told, adjusting her shades.

"Well ... Her escape pod was in the field, what if she hasn't found it yet ... Or maybe she thinks we're there." Steven added, bringing up a good point.

"Either way, she's injured so she probably wouldn't risk going into an open area like that." Y/n told.

"Wait, how do you know what its like, Y/n?" Steven questioned.

"I went there, I watched you guys fight Peridot's massive metal hands ... I was mainly studying the ground, and stuff, trying to figure out how gems were made." Y/n shrugged.

"I wondered why I could sense something ... Why didn't you help?" Garnet asked, before adding. "Not that we needed it of course."

"I wanted to investigate that weird room, if I helped then I probably wouldn't have been able too." Y/n told.

"So, what have you even been doing while you've been in this timeline?" Steven asked.

"Well, at first I explored the area, tried to figure out where exactly I was ..." Y/n started, bringing his hand up to his chin. "Then once I got more accustomed to this place, I started getting settled, I earned enough money from investing in Stocks, and working around Beach City that I eventually brought the lighthouse."

Steven stared in awe, but soon remembered what Y/n said yesterday. "Y/n ... do you ... miss your timeline?" Steven asked yet another question.

Y/n thought for a moment ... Did he miss his timeline? Part of his says yes because of the amount of memories he has, and how he missed ... them.

On the other hand, Y/n wanted to stay in this timeline, it gave him a chance at a new life, a way to redeem himself.

"I guess I do ... But I've got a new home now." Y/n smiled, patting Steven on the head, only to, in turn, receive a pat on the head from Garnet.

"We'll be here for you if you ever need any support." Garnet smiled.

"Yeah! You're a Crystal Gem now! That means we support each other!!" Steven cheered.

Y/n chuckled, but once he finished, he smiled. "Thank you. I appreciate it."


"So wait, wait ..." Y/n laughed as he, and Amethyst were walking on the Beach. "You shapeshifted into Steven to scare him?"

"Yeah! It was hilarious!" Amethyst tried holding in her laugh. "You should've seen the look on his face when his purple son jumped out at him."

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