Broken To Pieces

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Ok so this is my first story, so sorry if you don't like it. I'm going to try my best to make it good! :)


Harry Styles As Himself

Louis Tomlinson As Himself

Liam Payne As Himself

Niall Horan As Himself

Nick Jonas As Mark

Debby Ryan As Emma

Well here it goes!

Emma's P.O.V.

Ever since what happened to me, my life was a wreck. I want to stop thinking about it but i just can't. It's like one of those feelings where you feel like you did something, but you know it's not your fault. Oh whatever. I just-

I was snapped out of my thoughts by my boyfriend Mark. He was sweet, but if you really got him on the bad side it wasn't a pretty sight. Which always ended up happening to me. Yea I know it sucks. " What were you thinking about?" He asks. I was hesitant if i should tell him the truth or not, because either way i know he's gonna hurt me. "Hello?! Do you hear me?!" He raises his voice louder. "Yea I hear you, and keep it down! You don't want to get thrown out of this restaurant do you?" I say. " No, I don't but if you don't tell me then we're leaving!" He says harshly.

Ugh! He wants to know everything. I sigh. "I was just thinking about how much i miss my family in America." I lied. Hopefully he believed me. He nods his head and grunts. " That's not important right now. What's important right now is ME and you." He says emphasising the word me more than you. Oh, well here it goes. He's probably thinking of a plan in his head right now of how he's gonna hurt me later on. Oh how I hate this! Why was I so stupid of saying yes to him when he asked me to be his girlfriend?

UGHHH!!! I just hate A LOT RIGHT NOW!

Mark's P.O.V.

Well I thought of a plan. But hopefully it didn't backfire on me because I really wanted to get her bad. I knew she lied to me when I asked her what she was thinking about. I just know it.

And with that I put some money on the table, grabbed Emma's wrist and pulled her out of the restaurant with me out into the street of London.

Emma's P.O.V.

We were almost at my flat where Mark was supposed to drop me off at, after our date. But I just can't take this any longer! I don't want to be his girlfriend because all he does is just hurts me! I have so many bruises on my arms and legs you can't even count them! And that's why I wear long shirts and pants. And today i wore a dress with long sleeves and tights so I could hide it all.

That's when I reacted. I yanked my hand out of Mark's, turned around and made a run for it. "HEY WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING EMMA?!" He screamed. I didn't respond, and he started running after me. Oh My God. Why am I so stupid?! I pretty much knew that if i ran from Mark, i'm dead meat! But why did I do it?

Zayn's P.O.V.

I was walking back to my flat from Starbucks, when someone ran into me. It was a girl, and she had terror all over her eyes. She quickly said sorry, and started running but it was too late. Some guy running behind her got a grip of her and he started to pull her hair. He pushed her to the ground.

"WHAT IN THE NAME DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" I screamed. The guy turned around. Looked me straight in the eye, and punched me in the stomach. So much pain came like someone shot a bullet through me, but I knew i had to stay strong because that girl NEEDED me.

I quickly reacted, and pushed the guy to the ground and started punching his face. "YOU SHOULD NEVER TREAT A GIRL LIKE THAT! EVER! YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY YOU HAVE THE KIND OF GIRLFRIEND LIKE HER, AND YOU SHOULD'NT HURT AN ANGEL LIKE HER!" I yelled in his face. By that time he ran away probably to his mommy. Haha that mad me laugh a little. But hey, it could be true.

Emma's P.O.V.

I have never in my entire life seen a guy stand up for me like that. Like...EVER really. It means a lot to me that even a stranger could care about me. Even though it sounds really weird. But... he called me an angel. What? Well anyway he turned around and helped me get up. By this time, i was looking at his incredible dark brown eyes. I snapped out of it when i realized we were almost hugging. I awkwardly got of him and was about to say something when he said "Sorry I should have reacted faster." "No it's, fine really. And thanks for the help you really didn't need to." I said even though i knew that i needed it. "Are you kidding me?" He chuckled. "From the look on your face you had it looked like you needed it a lot." he finished.

I giggled, but i got an enormous headache. "By the way, my name is Emma. Yours?" i asked him. "Zayn" he said. "That's a cool name." I complimented. "Yours isn't so bad either." He said. "What's that supposed to mean?" I laughed and so did Zayn. "I'm just joking. You probably should be getting home, should you?" Zayn said. "Oh no you don't need to. I live right over that way." I said as i pointed to show him. "Well then, we can walk together, because that's the same building my flat is in!" He said in a funny voice.

We started walking, and chatted about things to get to know each other. Some thing is really familiar about him. And that's when it hit me like BOOM! Why didn't i realize this?! It was THE Zayn Malik from One Direction. Wait how come I did't know he lived in the same building as me? Oh yea. Mark, he kept me away from my flat most of the time. Stupid..I don't even want to talk about him. Wonder where he went though.

WAIT...If Zayn...No this can't...

Authors Note:

So what do you guys think she means by the last words? ;)

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