Chapter 21

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OK so i might just post this story for this week but i don't know. If i have time then i'll  post another one too.

I'm sorry im updating so slowly!!! It's just that i have freaking school!!!


Chapter 21

Harry's P.O.V.

"Seeing an old friend again #reunited"

That's what i saw Emma tweeted. What did she mean by old friend? I felt a little weird, and...jealous, i think. Well i don't know if it's a guy or girl. But somethings telling me this isn't good. 

Zayn's P.O.V.

I just hope that Mark actually changed, and won't ever do anything to Emma. It seemed like he changed, and it looked like his face was brighter this time. Who knows, maybe he did change.  I mean sometimes people change if you don't see them for awhile. Well they can change, and i hope Mark did. 

Emma's P.O.V.

"Thanks for picking me up." I told Zayn as we were walking into my flat. 

"Anytime Em" He said looking up from his phone. 

"And you really tweeted that? Harry will be onto you i guarantee it." He said.

"Hey people need to know from time to time." I defended myself. 

"Ok..and i need to know about that explanation that you owe me." He said with his serious face on. I sighed. "Ok" i said. 

"Well it all started like this. Liam and i were done shopping for Harry's gift, which reminds me he still has my bags. We were walking out of the mall, when he stopped walking, and saw Krystal." I stopped, "Do you know who Krystal is anyway?" I asked Zayn.

"Yea. I've seen her a couple of times. She's not a good person, and i could tell just by looking at her." He told me. I continued my story.

"Ok back to what i was saying, she started insulting me, and Liam was just standing there for a while and Krystal said that Liam said that i was a slut and stuff and that she heard him say that. Then Liam came in, and i just ran off.  I couldn't believe that he might of said that, but something was telling me that he didn't and something else was telling me that he did." I said letting out a sigh. I looked over at Zayn.

"Krystal, causes way to many problems. In fact if you ever see her just walk away, and don't stop like Liam did. and going back to Liam, i don't think he ever said that about you, and that he ever would. You're like a sister to him. He would never hurt you. I think that Kris, was just doing that to get you away from him." He reassured me. 

"You really think so?" I asked him. 

"Yea, pretty sure." He said smiling. I gave a weak smile back to him.

"But something just wants to make me believe that he did say that. I don't know why and what's making me think that way!" I said putting my hand to my forehead. I really wanted to talk to Liam. and i also need to talk to Harry since Zayn says he's gonna think i'm "suspicious". 

"You know i'll talk to Liam maybe later today, or tomorrow. Right now, i need to go to Harry." I told Zayn.

"Well, if i were you, i would go see Liam first and then Harry. Liam and your problem seem a little more serious, than Harry thinking you're suspicious." He chuckled a bit. 

"On second thought i think i might go do that. Thanks for everything Zayn." I said, as i was walking out of my flat with him behind me. 

"Hey like i said no problem. And maybe tonight if you have time and get along with Liam, come over. I invited they boys." He told me.

"Ok sure, we'll see. Bye Zayn!!" I waved to him, while going out of the building. Now all i needed to do was find Liam. I just hope he would respond back to my text. 

Liam's P.O.V.

I was at my flat alone, and sad. I just hope that Emma would come talk to me. This was just killing me inside. I really hate Krystal, and i never want to see her in my life again. I would never do anything to hurt Krystal! Just then my phone notified me that i got a new tweet. Emma tweeted:

"Seeing an old friend again #reunited"

I felt sort of bad about this, because it's like i let her down and she left and i didn't even do anything to stop her from leaving. I wish i did, then i might of not been in this position. Then again, my phone rang, notifying me i got a text. I wonder who it was.

I picked up the phone, and my eyes literally almost fell out of my eye sockets. It was Emma! I also squeacked like a 5 year old. The text said:

Hey Liam. Sorry for running off on you like that. Can we meet up right now? If you can. I doubt you want to see me right now.

Obviously i wanted to see her so i quickly responded:

Emma don't even think that way! Of course i want to see you. And sure is my flat fine to meet up at?

Within a couple of minutes, she responded:

Yea sure. I'll be there in a few! See you soon.

Ok, i needed to talk to her and straighten things out. Technically  i didn't do anything, and it was all Kristal, and i hoped she believed that. I really did. To pass time i went to my living room and turned the tv on. The celebrity news channel came on, and there were pictures of me and Emma in the mall at the stores. I just hope that Harry won't see this. Oh! That reminds me, i need to give Emma  her shopping bags back. Right when i thought of that the door opened. 

I got up and opened the door. There stood Emma, look up to my eyes with a weak smile. 


Author's Note:

 So sorry that this is so short. I needed to update, so i just updated.

I will try to maybe add in another chapter this week if i can.


Thanks keep Reading and voting!!! :)

P.S. Mark's picture is to the side:)

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