Chapter 5

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Ok so i added what Emma's best friend Patrick looks like to the side. Soo look at it and enjoy :)


Chapter 5

Emma's P.O.V.

Yesterday was dreadful. I knew it would happen someday. The love of my life, and the one who broke my heart came back to me. I don't even want to think about it. could be some kind of sign. Is it fate that's doing this?

I decided i would go head out to Starbucks to get my mind off things. It wasn't a pretty day today out in London. Typical rain though, just what i needed after what happened yesterday. I guess the sky is crying or letting out it's emotions with me too. What am i  kidding i sound retarded right now. The street was pretty quiet even though i usually was busy. Some thing seems very strange around here lately. I wounder what Mark could be doing. Is he trying to plan something to get me back? I hope not, i wouldn't want to suffer another day with him he's just so horrible.

Making my way into Starbucks, it wasn't pretty busy, like usual. Maybe i'm just imagining from what happened yesterday. Why do i keep referring back to yesterday? Am i trying to tell myself something? What has gotten into me? I snapped out of my thoughts as the lady at the counter asked me what I wanted.

"Hello, and what would you like today?" "Can i please have, um.. a grande latte please?" I told her. "Sure, coming right up!" She says happily. I wish i could just be like that right now. Care-free. But obviously someone had to come running back to me and ruining my life again. As i got my coffee, i went to go sit at a table by the window to just relax. I wanted to escape the world, and just let me be free for once. 

Suddenly, the entry door flung open, but i didn't see or care who came in. It was someone panting, probably from a jog they were on. But as soon as that person started to talk. I recognized it. And I never wanted to hear it again. But you probably guessed it already. Yes, it was Harry. Out of all people, in this world, it HAS to be Harry? Really? It could of even been some kind of weird person, or even Mark! I try to hide my face so he wouldn't see me as he was waiting for his coffee. But since there was barley any people at Starbucks he probably noticed me anyway.

With that, someone sat in front of me....

Harry's P.O.V.

I tried to think of a place to hide from the paparazzi, so i thought of Starbucks. I could get a coffee there too. Even relax a bit, sit in a corner away from the world (haha corner). I ran into Starbucks, like a psycho, flinging the door open. At least there were barley any people there.

I went to go order my coffee, the usual i always had. While i was waiting, I was looking through the window to make sure no paparazzi was around. But as i was doing that, my eye caught a beautiful girl sitting alone at a table. I looked more closely, realizing soon enough that is was Emma. I knew i needed to fix this and i had to straighten things out. But she would probably hate me right now. Hey i'll give it a try. I mean hey, Yolo.

 Emma's P.O.V.

I looked up and it was no other than the Harry Styles. My love, who broke my heart. What does he want now?! Just give me a break would he? I mean he did enough damage to me yesterday! Why now? Is this fate or something, like meant to be? Please let me figure something out quick...PLEASE.

Harry's P.O.V.

I sat down right in front of Emma, without asking. I hope she's not pissed or anything, either way she probably is. Well anyway, we had pretty long eye contact when she looked up. Those brown orbs, made me melt. But they were filled with hurt, and sorrow. This kills me, i have to say something. Harry think of something!!!!!

"What do you want now Harry?" Emma asks me in a quiet tone. "Look i know we got off to a bad start yesterday, but i want to fix things. I want it to go back to how we used to be. I mean we both said we still love each other right?" "Harry, I know, i want it too. But I need to earn your honesty and trust back from you. I mean you probably don't even know how much pain you caused over all these years." She said looking like she was going to cry. It's like that flew through my soul. She probably donsn't even know it, but i can feel it. How she feels, i mean. What she said right there, like went through my soul. I just still can't believe i did that. I wish i can reverse time, and go back to that day, and actually listen to her!

"Your right. But i know how much your hurting right now. It happening to me too. I hate myself right now for not listening to you." I said while tearing up a little. She was starting to tear up too. "Look, I want to fix things. Make it right. And I want you to give me a chance. I'll do anything, really! I love you, and I wouldn't hurt you ever again, like i did before really...Believe me please!" I told her with everything coming from my heart. "Harry, I believe you. And i want to give you a second chance. But we have to start out from the beginning. Taking a long time before anything serious happens. You know that right? Well I mean you should." Emma said. "Yea," I smirked softly. "We can start out fresh, but before you go anywhere, can i get your number?" "Umm, ok sure. Here give me your phone" She commanded. We both exchanged numbers and took a picture for our picture i.d. 

"Well it was great seeing you this time Harry." Emma says emphasizing this, with a little smile on her face. But i could still see the hurt in it. I miss it so much. I was cut out of my thoughts, when i heard yelling and saw flashing in the corner of my eyes. No!! How'd they find me?! "Emma, the paparazzi is coming after me, and i think it would be best if you left now. I don't want you getting hurt." I told her, and she quickly left, covering her face with her hands. I felt so bad to put her in this position after we had a good talk. The paparazzi probably had enough pictures of us anyway. I hated them it would probably be all over the news tomorrow. 

With that, I left as quick as i can back to my flat, ignoring the paparazzi.

Emma's P.O.V.

Today was a little better, me and Harry were not actually arguing or anything. I got his number to so, i guess it's a good sign.  But not so good with the paparazzi. They followed me a little till i got onto my street. Well this news will be interesting tomorrow.


Author's Note:

Sorry for posting a little bit later today. Stupid School.

Well my best friend helped me think of this chapter so if you want you can go and be a fan of hers! I'll dedicate this to her!!!

Thanks and keep reading! :)

Next chapter will be up soon!!

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