Chapter 4

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Ok well here's chapter 4 hope you like it!! Leave some comments below too ;)


Chapter 4

Harry's P.O.V.

Never in my ENTIRE life, had i ever thought i broke someone's heart like that...EVER. And especially it's the one person i'm in love with! Why did I have to break Emma's heart Harry? WHY?!

All the attention from the boys went to me. "What did you do to Emma?" They all asked in unison. Well this is just great. It's gonna take so long to explain. Like really really long...

"Well's story time. Let me tell you what happened from the VERY beginning." I told them. "Well maybe before you do that, i think it would be a good idea if you went to talk to Emma" Louis suggested. It probably was better, but i don't know how i would talk with her. I mean, i guess i sorda ruined her love life...

Emma's P.O.V.

I was sobbing like crazy. This is probably the most i have cried in my life. The love of my life ripped my heart to pieces, and was now sitting next to me probably thinking he would get me back?! No way will that EVER happen. A relationship is all about trust and honesty, and i need to earn that all from Harry. I just wished he never broke up with me. I don't even know why though! It's stupid.

I heard the door slide open, but i didin't see who came out. A warm fuzzy blanket was put over my shoulders to keep me warm, and someone sat next to me. Harry... Ugh!! What does he want now?! Can't he see i'm like devastated, and destroyed?

"Emma..." He says. Just hearing him say my name makes me weak and have butterflies in my stomach. I really do love him, But i need to earn his trust again...That is, if i can... He lets out a nervous breath, and then is ready to talk. "I'm really sorry. I don't even know why i broke up with you in the first place. You were the love of my life, and you still are. You mean everything to me. Everyday i would get up, and look to see if you were there...but you weren't. It killed me literally to not have you there" Hearing him say this to me, it made me start crying even harder. "Emma i know you won't forgive me right away. But we should at least try again. I really do love you...a lot. I don't know what I would d without you." With that, I moved closer to him and started crying into his chest. He put his chin on top of my head, and started rubbing circles on my back. "Shhh, Emma it'll be ok, trust me"

"H-harry, it'll take a r-really long time for me to t-trust y-you. I h-have to e-earn your t-trust b-back. So d-don't p-promise me anything." I said sobbing into his chest.

Harry's P.O.V.

Seeing Emma like this killed me. I was so used to seeing her happy, and care-free, laugh with that beautiful smile. But this...I did this to her, and I didn't even realize it would be like this.

It was getting a bit cold outside so we went back in. "I think today was a pretty big day guys, i'm gonna go home. We should hang out another time. I'll see you later guys!" Emma said and hugged us all before she left. But again she hugged me longest. Which i was pretty surprised because it felt like she hated me.

Right when Emma left, all eyes were on me. Well I guess i should tell them what actually happend. Here it goes.


It was the most amazing time ever. Having Emma here sleeping on my chest when she fell asleep during the movie. We were just having a lazy day at my place that day. But i noticed that Emma was acting strange a little but i ignored it, assuming it was either a problem with her family or some of her friends. My eyes were starting to get heavy, and i was falling into a deep sleep.

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