Chapter 9

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Thank you for all of these reads!! You guys are amazayn!!! haha ;)


Chapter 9

Zayn's P.O.V.

Me and Harry both heard Emma scream Liam. It was really funny. Liam was probably standing there, like...ok. Haha I can imagine that! They both came into the living room, and Liam sat down. "Do you guys want anything to drink?" Emma asked all 3 of us.

"No i'm fine" i answered.

Same i don't need anything right now." Harry responded.

"I'll have a water then." Liam asked kindly.

Emma went into the kitchen to get Liam's water. I was probably assuming that now would be a good time to explain a little bit to Liam of Emma's ex-boyfriend, because he whispered "Is something wrong with Emma, because i can see hurt in her." "Yea, um... about that..." I started to say when Harry cut me off. "Can we, uh...not talk about this like right now? Please we can tell you later when the rest of the lads come. I'm still trying to get over from what happened."

Emma's P.O.V.

I went to go get some water for Liam. When i was coming back, i stopped. I heard Harry say "not talk about this like right now" about what though? Was there something he wasn't telling me?!

"Talk about what?" I say walking into the living room and handing Liam his water. 

"Me and Harry, will tell about the thing that happened earlier today when the rest of the lads come." Zayn said.

"Wait?! Harry knows?! Since when?" I asked shocked.

"When you were sleeping, Zayn explained to me..." Harry answered afraid of what I was going to say. It's good Zayn did that. I didn't want to explain it right to Harry's face. 

"That's ok. At least he knows, and the rest of the lads will soon. I told them

"Are you sure you're not mad Emma?" Harry asked

"Yea, it's ok. I wanted to tell you, but didn't know how." I responded. Finally Zayn breaks in with saying "I wonder what Niall thought after we hung up the phone."

"What did you do to my poor Nialler?!" Liam asked joking in an angered tone chuckling.

"Oh nothing, just gave him a call to help me." Harry responded cracking up.

"Yea, with me doing my embarrassing low voice." I said laughing

"Well he'll be in for something." Liam commented.

Louis' P.O.V.

I was right at Emma's door. I knocked in a weird tune. I don't even know why. Emma opened the door. "The sass masta has arrived!" she yelled back to Harry, and Zayn, i'm assuming? I gave her a friendly hug. But before i broke the hug i whispered in her ear. "You know Harry likes you right? I can see it." And with that i walked into the living room. Emma came behind me, with her cheeks blushing. But i noticed something else. Cheeks weren't usually that red when you blush. Are they?

I sat down, and decided to text Harry about it, even though he's sitting right across from me.

To: Harry

Hey, what's with Emma's cheeks? They are really red!

Harry texted me back.

Me and Zayn will explain later...

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