Chapter 28

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Oh my gosh i can't believe I'm on chapter 28 right now!!!!!

Thanks soo much for all the reads i get and keep voting i really really appreciate it thank you!!! :)


Chapter 28

Emma's P.O.V.

Zayn and i broke apart from the kiss. It was a kiss that i never had. a sweet hearted one but yet rough and passionate. Wow...was, it was all i could say. I looked at Zayn, and he had a disappointed look on his face. 

"What's wrong?" I asked him, and he looked up at me. 

"I-i kissed you. Harry's gonna kill me" Zayn stuttered a bit and looked down. 

"Zayn, i'm not with Harry anymore. It's ok i promise." I told him. 

"Are you sure. Because if he ever finds out, he will be so mad." He told me.

"It's ok Zayn, Harry betrayed me twice already." I said. 

"But, he's still falling for you. I could see it every time he looks at you. " was Zayn really serious? Is that  really how Harry felt. But he broke my heart. "I can tell that when he saw you at the club it mentally killed him on the inside. I know how he feels towards you." Zayn continued saying.

"Wait." I said stopping Zayn, "How do you know all of this?" I asked.

"Well..he told me." Zayn said.

Zayn's P.O.V.

"Well..he told me" I told Emma.

"When?" She asked.

"Here, i'll tell you." I said. 

Flashback (Zayn's P.O.V.)

We were getting back from that day at the beach with everyone. Emma fell asleep in the back of the car and Harry and i were in the front. I decided to start a conversation. 

"I can see the way you look at her Harry." I told him, as he focused on the road.

"Is it that obvious?" He asked me. I nodded.

"But i don't think Emma notices." I told him.

"You know Zayn. I do truly love her. She might be the one. It's just that every time i look at her, it's just her. I can't see any other girl around me. I don't know what i would to if i lost her. Or even worse if i hurt her in any certain way." Harry said, from the bottom of his heart.

"Well, i agree, she a real keeper, you know." I said. and he nodded.

End of Flashback (Still Zayn's P.O.V.)

"He really said that?" Emma questioned me, and i nodded a yes.

"Wa- I- Wh-" Emma started to say as she lost her words. 

"Speechless?" I asked, with a chuckle.

"What did i do. I probably crushed him." She told me looking down at her fingers.

"It's not your fault Emma. He did kiss that girl, and you know it yourself. I know that you still like him deep down in your hea-" I said as Emma cut me off.

"I do not like him for what he did for the second time already!" She raised her voice. Wow, she was really pissed. Harry you screwed up BIG time. How are you going to win her heart back?

"Well i should be getting to my flat." She said getting up from the bed that we were sitting up. 

"Well aren't you going to go? I need to change." She said rolling her eyes playfully. I chuckled.

"Yea, i'll meet you in the living room" I said while grabbing a shirt and pants from my drawers and walked to the living room.

Emma's P.O.V.

As Zayn left i started to rummage through my bag that i packed. I had put on a denim shirt, that had faded whit spots on the shirt. (Picture is to the right) I put on black leggings. After putting my clothes on i went to the bathroom to go fix up my hair, and took the bag with me. As i was again rummaging through the bag to find my hair brush, something stopped me. The razor.

Again, i know that i'm not that kind of person who would cut, but because of Harry "rejecting" or well i shouldn't say that more like "betraying" well if felt like rejecting. But because of that it makes me feel like no one wants me in the world. But i know that's not true, but that little voice in my head keeps saying "yes they do. Everyone hates you, but you just don't realize it. It's best if you weren't even here. You shouldn't even given Harry that chance. Your so stupid." It kept saying over, and over again. 

I couldn't take it anymore! All of this pain and anger inside of me was just waiting to explode! I took the razor out of the bag, and held it in my hand. No i can't do this! I kept saying to myslef.

But that stupid voice kept saying i have to. Shut up already! I said yelling at that voice in my head. But it never stopped. By now, the razor was hovering over my wrist. I can't do this, but i have to. I kept saying to myself. But i did it. 

I winced at the pain as the razor slid across my skin. I had to stopped i can't do this! Immediately i threw the razor on the ground, and went to the sink to rinse of the blood.

What has gotten into me? I'm gonna regret this for my entire life! I said in my head. I felt a tear escape my eye. I'm so stupid, why did i do this? I scared myself for life, literally.

Thank god that Zayn had some bandaids, in here. I put some on my right wrist and pulled down the sleeves of my denim shirt, so that hopefully no one would see. I quickly fixed my hair, and walked out. What had i just done?

Zayn's P.O.V.

It was taking Emma quite a while, but she finally came into the living room. 

"Well i better get going." she said as she walked towards the door, and started to put her shoes on.

"You sure you don't wanna stay?" I asked her and she nodded no with her head.

"I don't want to bother you, and plus i haven't been to my flat, in what feels like forever." She laughed as she said the last part.

"Ok well i guess i'll see you soon. If anything goes wrong give me a call, or even yell across the hall." I said walking to open the door for her. She laughed.

"Ok Zayn, i'll see you later." She said, and walked out the door. 

Emma's P.O.V.

I sat down on my sofa, when i got into my flat. I looked at my wrist. I'm so stupid. I said to myself. I need to get this off my mind.

I had an idea, i picked my phone up and dialed his number. 


Author's Note:

I wanted to leave this as a cliff hanger so yeaaa. :)

TMH tour started ahhhh so excited!!!

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