Chapter 24

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Happy Valentine's Day People!!!!

! Ok so far i have 199 reads so whoever wants to be that special person and give me 200?! haha Keep reading!!! :)


Chapter 24

Harry's P.O.V.

It was finally my birthday today. I was so excited, and i know that if i was the morning would go by really slow. Unless something fun would happen. I didn't really know what to do so i just got up from bed, and went to watch some tv. 

I was watching some boring stupid show, i don't even know what it's called. I just got so bored! I knew that this morning would go by like this. I decided i would look through twitter and respond to some of my fans. I mean the fans are everything to us. It's why and how One Direction, is in this place, and this well known! They mean everything to us!

As soon as i got onto twitter, i had millions (over exaggerated there!) of tweets saying happy birthday to me. Since i couldn't respond to all of them, i just respnoded to a few, and started to follow them. Some of them were really funny. But since i couldn't respond to all the tweets, i tweeted out:

Thanks for all the birthday wishes! It really means a lot, and so do our fans!!! Thanks again! :) #birthdaysrule

Within seconds, i got millions of re-tweets and favorites. Wow It's amazing at how fast the word spreads. Before logging off of twitter i noticed one tweet, and it was from Emma.

@Harry_Styles I know i'll see you today, but just wanted to say happy birthday bud! :) #Happybirthday

I laughed to myself, and if anyone saw me laughing at my phone they would probably think i'm like some kind of retard! Oh well, i'm Harry Styles! (not that I'm saying he's a retard so don't take it that way. I adore Harry!!!) I tweeted back:

@Embear Thanks a lot! Better so you today anyway. You know for what right? #cya

I hope no one takes that the wrong way. Wait....didn't..if i said that then i already took it the wrong way. Well then...OH WELL PEOPLE! 

Emma's P.O.V.

Wow Harry, what a tweet back to me i thought to myself, and chuckled a little. Well of course. I was so excited for Harry's birthday! But i didn't know what i would be wearing to the club. Wait!!! It's in one of the bags when me and Liam went shopping!

I quickly scurried to get the bags, and unpack them. I pulled out a blue dress that would go about up to my knees. Don't judge! I don't really like to wear racy clothes! With the dress i got black heels, with, i don't know like some kind of pattern. (Picture of dress to side) As i set the dress down, in my bedroom on my bed, i looked at the time. 12. Gezz time goes by really fast when you like into something!!!

Well since, i didn't see Harry yet, and only tweeted him, i sorta wanted to go see him right now. I decided that i would bring his gift with me right now since it would be easier to give to him at his flat instead of in the club. Before leaving i grabbed the box with the Rolex watch into for Harry (P.S. picture of the watch is in chapter 20)and put a bow on it, and put it in my purse. 


(Fast Forward Harry's P.O.V.)

As i was just getting off my phone, the door bell rang. Who would that be? I thought to myself as i went over to the door. When i opened the door, i couldn't even say anything, because someone jumped on me and started to kiss me. I realized it was Emma, and i started kissing back. She pulled away.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked her as she pretend to not know what i was talking about. 

"Do what?" She asked, smirking.

"Pull away?" I asked again. She playfully rolled her eyes at me and i chuckled. 

"Well, i don't know. Maybe i just don't want to stand in the door that long where people can SEE us." She said emphasizing "See". I chuckled again. We both walked into the living room and the tv was still on, so i turned it off. Before i could say, or do anything, Emma playfully shoved me a box in my face with a green bow on it. 

"What? You didn't have to get me anything Em! You're all i could ever have!" I said to her. I could tell that she was blushing a little.

"'s your birthday. And there is no other acception!" she said to me.

"But-" I was cut off.

"Harry! just open it!" She said, with a smile on her face. Oh how i loved it when she smiled. It made me feel like i was melting.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" She asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh right." I said, as i took the box, and started to open it. As i saw what it was, i was in utter shock. A Rolex watch! 

"Wh..But...HOW?!" I asked examining the watch.

"I had a little help from someone" she said as she giggled at my reaction. Rolex watches were the best watches, and i've always wanted one. But they cost so much. Wait, don't i have lots of money? I just sometimes just, don't think! I said to myself giving myself a mental face palm. 

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I said as i started to peck Emma's cheeks. I was so happy. Emma giggled.

"I'm glad you like it" she said. 

"I don't like it...i LOVE IT!!!" I said screaming it out like a 5 year old would. She laughed this time and so did i. 

"So Harry, you gonna wear it tonight?" She asked me with a curious face.

"Yea, why wouldn't i!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, and by the way, what time are we supposed to be at the club?" Emma asked me.

"Oh, yea, um i don't know like 7:30 ish? But don't worry, i'll pick you up anyways Em." I told her, as she nodded.

"Ok, so now what?" she asked me looking around. I honestly didn't know too.

"Um...i don't know. Wait how bout' we watch some funny or stupid movie to pass time?" I suggested.

"Sure, what movie?" She asked. 

"That i don't know" I told her, "Why don't you choose the movie?" I told her.

"Fine" she said rolling her eyes playfully at me again. I just chuckled. I couldn't wait for her to be in a dress.

Emma's P.O.V.

As i went over to the movie cabinet, i could feel Harry starring at me. Guys and their weird and crazy thoughts i said to myself rolling my eyes. 

I scanned, the shelf with all the movies, and spotted When In Rome i absolutely adored this movie. It was one of my favorites! I want over to Harry, and he nodded in agreement. As i sat down, he quickly put the CD into the DVD player, and sat down next to me, putting his arm around me.

Whenever he did that i just felt that i was protected from all the bad things, and that nothing bad would happen to me. But we all know tha'ts not true. Where there's good, there's bad as they always said. 

Halfway through the movie, i started to get tired, and tried to keep my eyes open. But i guess it didn't work because i blacked out into the world of sleep. (Wow that was really bad. The world of sleep. Is there even something like that HAHA)


Author's Note:

I can't believe that i have like 200 reads already!!!!


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