Chapter 25

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Sorry i've been posting really slow again! UGHH! So sorry. I'm gonna try to add some drama in the next couple of chapters to make it more interesting so yea we'll see how it goes! :)

By the way, buy One Way Or Another on itunes! It's finally out!!! GO GET IT PEOPLE!!!!!


Chapter 25

Harry's P.O.V.

I guess i should wake Emma up since it's 5. But i don't want to. She looks so relaxed sleeping on my lap. But i knew i would have to or else she "wouldn't have time" to get ready. I chuckled to myself.

"Emma, wake up." I said softly while shaking her lightly.

"Stop Harry" She said grunting.

"But it's 5, and you need to probably start getting ready." I told her, and she snapped out of her sleep.

"WHAT IT'S FIVE?! I'M NOT GONNA HAVE ENOUGH TIME!" She started to freak out, and go towards the door. 

"I told you." I said, chuckling myself. She playfully hit me on my arm. 

"Ok well, i'll see you at 7:30 ish?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yep, and you'll have enough time, i guarantee it." I told her with a smirk on my face. 

"Sure Harry, in fact i'll have zero time to get ready!" She said sarcastically.

"Well then you better get going!" I told her, while pushing her out the door.

"Wait Harry!! I forgot something!" She said turning around to me.

"And what's that?" I asked confusingly.

"This" She said, and kissed me on the lips. Well that was unexpected, but i liked it. A surprise kiss. Likey! I thought to myself. As we pulled away Emma giggled.

"Bye Harry!" She said walking out the door.

"I'll see you later Em! Thanks for the watch too!" I shouted. She stopped walking, and turned around.

"You're welcome, my prince!" She said, as she bowed down. What has gotten into her? I mean not that i don't like it. Hmm, must be the excitement from my birthday, i thought.

"I love you my princess!" I said playing along.

Emma's P.O.V.

Wow, what has gotten into me? I must be really excited for Harry's birthday!

When i got to my building it was about 5:30, as i was checking my phone. I hit something hard, and looked up. It was Zayn. It's really funny because every time i go home, or go somewhere i always run into him. 

"Sorry Zayn." I said.

"Oh no problem. So gonna get ready for the party later?" He asked. 

"Yea, and i have to start like right NOW or else i won't finish. And don't ask why i need so much time. I guess it's just a girl thing." I told him.

"I have the same thing. Well i'll see you later! Bye" He said.

"Bye Zayn see ya!!" I said while getting into my flat.

(Fast Forward Still Emma's P.O.V.)

Ok i was almost ready. All i had to do was just my hair. I had a blue dress that went down to my knees. Once again like i said, i don't like racy clothes, so don't judge me. I had black heels, with some kind of pattern. I had light make up on. I had a dark pail blue eyeshadow, and not too much. And again, i don't like putting too much make up on, because then i feel like a barbie. I had put on a really really light pale pink lip stick.

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