Chapter 11

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Chapter 11!!! If you guys want can you pretty please leave comments about what could be next in the story and i might put them in the story!!!


Chapter 11

Harry's P.O.V.

Emma was sleeping on the sofa again. How much can she sleep?! She's just like Zayn. Well i should put her in her bed, and i should get going since i might have some interviews or whatever we need to do.

I put Emma in her bed, but then realized she wouldn't know where i went. I decided to leave her a note. I put the note on her side table and left, hoping that she would see it.

Emma's P.O.V.

I woke up in bed, early on Monday. Wow I must have slept really long. I looked over to check the time and it was 10:36 a.m. I noticed something else on the side table. A note. It read:

Dear Emma,

I didn't want to leave you clueless, so i left you a note.

After we came back from Starbucks, you fell asleep.

Guess the coffee didn't work on you! You're just like Zayn

with sleeping! How can you sleep so much! Well i put you

in bed, and had to go since i might of had some interviews

or something else to go to. I hope you don't mind. I look

forward to seeing you again!


I giggled. That was really really sweet of him, to let me know and not just run of like most people did on me. Except for Patrick too. WAIT! Today is Monday! I have to call him!!!

I quickly got dressed, did my hair and went down to the kitchen. I made myself some waffles even though i wasn't that hungry. I cleaned up all the dishes and headed back to my bedroom to grab my phone. Today was such a rush!

I quickly dialed Patrick's number. "Hey Patrick!" 

"Hey Emma! What's up?" He asked.

"Not much. We were supposed to hang out today, or well if your not too busy?" I asked

"Yea sure, no problem with that. Where should we met up?" He asked.

"Umm...maybe the..park? I asked in not a decided tone.

"Yea that would be great! Haven't been there in a couple of days, actually." He told me.

"Ok that sounds great. I'll meet you there in 10 minutes?" I told him

"Yep! I'll see you then!" He said popping the "p" which made me laugh. Ok i have 10 minutes. Do i need anything else? I said asking myself. Oh! My ipod. I quickly went to get it. Ok i guess i'm ready. It was a bit chilly today, so i also took a light jacket. I put my headphones on and put it on shuffle. Surprisingly, More Than This by One Direction went on. I smiled. I loved this song. 

I was almost at the park when someone shouted my name. I turned around and it was Patrick. I turned my ipod off and ran towards him and hugged him as he spun me around. I haven't seen him in so long!

"Patrick! I haven't seen you for soo long!" I said as he put me down.

"Well we've seen each other, like a couple of weeks ago. But i know what you mean. It feels like forever!" He said exaggerating forever like a girl, which made me laugh. I playfully slapped him on his arm. He made a puppy dog face. It made me laugh even harder.

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