Chapter 31

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Ok so i've decided this is the last chapter of this story. 

I want to start a new one, but if you want a sequel who knows!! ;)

Also for the next book leave some comments and suggestions on what it should be about!!!



Chapter 31

Emma's P.O.V.

I sat down on the bed, as Harry walked in behind me. A sigh came out from my mouth, and i could feel Harry's eyes on me. There was an awkward silence before i said anything first. 

"Why didn't you listen to me, when i was running after you?" I asked him with an angry tone. I looked up into his eyes, and he looked back into mine, and knew that this was serious.

"I-i...i don't know why. A little voice was just controlling me inside and i couldn't do anything." He said looking down at the floor. Are you kidding me?! This is his excuse?

"Are you kidding me? This is your excuse?!" I raised my voice, standing up from the bed. 

"Emma, i'm not lying, i really wanted to say something but i just couldn't." He said back to me with sadness on his face. 

Niall's P.O.V.

After a couple of minutes, Louis, Patrick and i cold already hear Emma yelling at Harry. Gosh they were so nice towards each other and now they are like monsters ready to kill each other. 

"Lou, what did you talk her into?" I asked him, as he sat down next to Patrick and i on the sofa.

"All i said was to go talk to him, not rip his guts out." He said looking behind from where the voices came from. 

"Well, i looks like you told her to do something else." Patrick said.

"No i swear, i just told her to go talk with him. That's all i said!" He confessed. Patrick and i laughed.

"Hey, we know you did, why wouldn't we believe you?" I asked him.

"True you should always believe me." He said with a positive expression plastered on his face.

Harry's P.O.V.

I sound crazy right now. But i was telling the truth. Emma was furious with me, and it killed me to have her yelling at me like this. Well it technically is sorda my fault for listening to that voice. But i don't even know why!

Emma was still going on about, something, but i had enough. I went up to her, and just smashed my lips onto hers. I could tell she was shocked. But she kissed me back within a few seconds. I missed this so much. I don't think i can have a life without her. I want her by my side forever. I know it seems cliche but i truly do. 

After we were both out of breath, we broke apart. 

"I'm telling the truth, i don't know what has gotten into me." I whispered into her ear. We looked into each other's eyes again.

"I-i...I believe you." She started to say looking down to the floor. "I'm so sorry Harry, for yelling at you like that i-" I cut her off.

"shhh it's ok." I said reassuring her. 

"It's my fault not yours. I'm sorry i didn't answer you when you were trying to get my attention, and worst of all I'm sorry for slapping you. I can't even imagine why i did that, i terribly sorry Emma. Please forgive me." I begged her. It took her a few minutes.

"Harry, i love you more than anyone, i want to spend the rest of my life with you. It's only you, who i'm willing to do that. I love you Harry, i really do." She said, and had tears falling down on her cheeks. I wiped then away with my thumbs. 

"Emma it's ok. I-i i'm sorry i caused you so much pain. I never intended to do that. And when i saw your cuts, it killed me. I know you couldn't see it but it really did. Don't cut, it would kill me even more if you did." I told her, as she nodded.

Emma's P.O.V.

"Emma, i love you with all my heart." Harry said. That's all that had to be said. I kissed him instantly, and he kissed me back right away. I had missed his warm passionate kisses. They always were the best. 

I never wanted him to leave, and nor did he want me leaving him. I knew i would spend the rest of my life with him. Maybe even have kids someday. The tought of that made me smile, just having little versions of me and Harry running around the house. 

As we broke apart from the kiss, Harry looked at me in the eyes deeply. 

"I will keep you safe from anything Emma, trust me." He said, not breaking the gaze between us. I nodded.

"I know." I responded.

"I love you too Harry, and always will" was the last thing i said before i kissed him again. I would remember this day, for a very long time. The day where we had confessed our feeling to each other.

I never will forget this,and never will forget Harry.


Author's Note:

Okay, so this is the last chapter of the story!!!!! Ahhh can't believe i finished!!!!!

Hope you liked it!!!

If you have any suggestions for a new story message me or leave comments please!!! and thank you!!! :)

Thanks for reading and keep voting and when i start the new book read and vote for it too!!! Thanks :)

P.S. just a good picture of Harry to end the story right? hehe :)

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