Chapter 26

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Yay i feel like im updating a lot more!!! :)

I saw a video on twitter that Zayn tweeted and it's so heartbreaking!!!! Those kids in Africa really need help! Support them as much as you can!!

If you didn't see that video go watch it!!! I'll put it in the mulitmedia to the side!!!!


Chapter 26

Emma's P.O.V.

The rest of the car ride was silent, except for me sobbing. I still can't believe Harry did that. After all we've been through. Ugh i just knew i shouldn't have given him my trust! Why was i so stupid! I should have never given him a second chance! I mean isn't it always sorta bad if it's a second chance? Well if he comes running back to me, there's NO WAY he'll get a third chance. 

We finally got to the building. 

"Emma, maybe you should stay at my flat, or i could come to your's because i don't want to leave you alone when you're like this." Zayn said pointing out. He was right, i mean i might even hurt myself if i was alone and it got to that point. 

"I guess so, i won't be bothering you would i?" I asked him, looking up to his eyes. I remember when i was wiping off the blood from his lips, and we were looking from each other's eye. His, were beautiful, and it felt like i never wanted to look away. I-

I was snapped out of my thoughts.

"Hello? You there?" Zayn asked waving his hand in front of me.

"Oh what, yea sorry, i spaced out." I said looking down.

"well i said that you wouldn't be bothering me anyway, because i suggested it." He said.

"Oh yea. I'm stupid." I laughed weakly. After i said that i was shocked because he put his hands around my cheeks, and moved my head to look at him.

"You're not stupid, and don't ever say that. You're smart, and beautiful, don't ever think that way." He said reassuring me.

'Thank you." I said giving him a weak smile and hugging him. He hugged me back. I really needed something like this. I was heartbroken inside and out. I started to sob again. 

"Why don't we go into my flat, now and not just stand in the hall? Yea?" He said, and i nodded. He quickly found his keys and opened the door. 

"Um, i don't know but maybe it would be best, if you slept here, just in case, you know...Harry might come to your flat." Zayn said. I mean he had a point. It would be a total mess if i opened the door to my flat and Harry came in. 

"Yea, i think that would be a good idea, if Harry did come. I want to get away from him for a couple of days."I told him.

"If you are staying then, um, why don't you get your pj's from your flat, and come back here. Ok?" He suggested.

"Yea, ok, i'll be back in a couple of minutes." I told him, and left the flat to go get my pj's.

Zayn's P.O.V.

Gosh, Emma was literally broken. She really did love Harry. How could he do that to her. Especially since she just gained his trust back! Personally i don't think that he's gonna get a third chance. I mean i know he was drunk and all, but you still know that you shouldn't do that even when you have a girlfriend. I just feel really bad for Emma. Looking at her like this just crushes me.

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