Chapter 22

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So sorry that i haven't uploaded again for like the 5th millionth time I'm soo sorry i'll try yo update more often as much as i can!!!!


Chapter 22

Emma's P.O.V.

I let out a sigh. I walked up to Liam's door, and rang the door bell. Within a couple of seconds he answered. He sent me a smile, and i sent him back a weaker smile than his. 

"Hey Liam" I said weakly while looking down.

"Hey Emma, come on in." He said opening the door wider, and leading me into his flat. Wow this was nice. Right when you walked in, you saw beautiful hardwood floors, that lead you into the living room. Before walking anywhere i took my jacket off and Liam motioned me to go to his living. I was speechless. There were huge windows around the whole room, with a perfect view of the London Eye. To the right there was a little table with to chairs, probably for some dining that i assumed. In the middle there was a maroon, and beige colored rug with a wooden glass table on it. Finishing the room was the large white sofa. (Photo of the living room is to the right!)

",'s beautiful." I said while still looking in awe at this place. 

"I mean look at the view!" I said as i ran up to the window. I hear him chuckle.

"Aw it's really nothing. But the view, i enjoy it every time i come in here every single day. And never get bored of it." He said while sitting down on the sofa. 

"Liam are yo serious?! This place is gorgeous!" I exclaimed thinking to myself that i probably sounded crazy. He smiled.

"Well i'm here everyday, so yea. And come sit next to me, so we can talk." He said patting a spot right next to him. Oh yea. I just hope Liam forgives me. I really do. As i sat down i quickly said something before he could say anything.

"Listen, about me running off at the mall. I'm sorry if i hurt your feelings or anything, and i didn't mean to scare you. Kris was just annoying the crap out of me and at that time i was so mad that i believed every word she was saying. But now that i look back to it, it's pretty stupid that i ran off." 

"Emma, you're not stupid for running off! Honestly if i were you i would do the same thing because Kris annoys the hell out of me. And all the thing she said that i said about you are not true. I would NEVER do that to you! Especially since you are like a sister to me!" Liam confessed.

I knew he meant every word he was saying right then and there. I just did. So out of nowhere, i jumped up and hugged, him really fast that he too, even jumped. He hugged me back, and started to rub his hands in some kind of motion on my back. He was one of those people who gave the best hugs. I smiled, but then remembered that i also had to tell him something else.

"Liam," I said as i broke away from the hug, "after, i ran out of the mall, i stopped at a cafe, and...and" before i said anything else i looked into his eyes to make sure that he was listening. Of course he would be he's Liam for god's sake Emma!!!! "I saw Mark." I said quickly blurting it out.

"You saw who?!" Liam spat out.

"M-mark" I said stuttering and looking down.

"But, he didn't do anything!" I said quickly.

"Oh thank God, i thought that he did. You scared me there Em!" He said, as a smile appeared on my face. He could be so cute sometimes. I mean not as in like hot cute, but like child cute. (That didn't make any sense did it? oh well).

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