Chapter 10

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What? Oh yea! Chapter 10 here we go!!


Chapter 10

Liam's P.O.V.

The movie finally ended. I think that was the most i have ever cried watching  movie. But, hey at least it was good. I looked over to Harry and saw that Emma was asleep on his lap. Now would be a good time to explain what happened earlier that Harry and Zayn mentioned. Yea?

"Hey, Harry." I said loud enough so Emma wouldn't wake up.

"Yea?" He asked 

"What is it that you and Zayn were supposed to tell the rest of us about Emma, that happened earlier today?" I questioned Harry and Zayn.

"Ok we'll tell, you we just can't wake Emma up." Zayn said quietly.

Harry's P.O.V.

Me and Zayn were explaining to the boys of what happened earlier to Zayn and Emma. Every time i think of it, i wanted to go back, and just protect her. But i wasn't there. I look at Liam, Louis, and Niall's faces, and they all looked hurt. My reaction was probably the same, maybe a tad bit more though.

"Who would ever do those kind of things, to their girlfriend?!" Niall said whispering.

"Yea, i mean especially if it's their ex. Who would want to go after those kind of people and hurt them physically?" Louis told us.

"Me and Harry have the same question. Something must be up with Mark, and we have to find out sooner or later, or Emma will keep getting hurt by him." Zayn informed all of us. Thinking of Emma getting hurt made just me wince.

It was getting close to 11 o'clock, and we had to get back home. All of the boys left except for me. Since Emma was still sleeping on my lap. I decided I would take her to her bedroom.

"Emma, i'm just going to take you to your bed." I told her. I heard a grunt, and it made me chuckle. I picked her up bridal style and went to her bedroom. I carfully put her down and put the covers over her. I know i'm saying this again, so many times, but she looks so beautiful and peaceful when she sleeps. I noticed that her cheeks were a tad bit red still but it was almost gone. It would be fine by tomorrow. I was getting really tired, and didn't think that I could drive home, so I just went back to her living room and slept on the sofa.

Next Day Emma's P.O.V.

I woke up in my bedroom. Wait how did i get here. I thought i was sleeping on Harry's shoulder? When did the boys leave? Wow i must have been asleep for a while yesterday. 

I got out of my bed and changed into new clothes since i still had on the ones from yesterday. I put on some yoga pants, with a navy, sweater and light blue scarf. My hair was up in a messy bun. I walked into the living room, to see Harry sleeping on the sofa. He didn't go home? Wonder why? I sat next to him quietly. He looked so calm and peaceful. Sorda cute too...Well i mean what can i say! It's Harry! I got up and put a blanket over him. He quickly entwined himself into it. Aww that was the cutest thing EVER!!! I headed over to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I was almost done when i heard something in the living room. Harry got up. I went to the door way of the kitchen and looked in the living room. 

"Good Morning sleepy head!" I said with a smile on my face.

"Morning, love!" He responded with a happy tone in his voice.

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