Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Harry's P.O.V.

Emma said she loved me. I can't believe it. I'm..shocked. I wouldn't think that she would still love me after what i had done to her. But she did, and i loved her back. 

By now we were both snuggling together on the sofa watching the movie When In Rome. I had to say, it wasn't a bad movie. It was actually pretty good.

Emma's P.O.V.

Harry loved me. And i loved him too. 

I put my head on Harry's shoulder since i was a bit tired and it was getting late. We were watching When In Rome, and i absolutely loved Josh Duhamel. He was sooo good! I felt my eyes getting heavier, and i kept snapping in and out of sleep, till my sight finally fell into darkness.

Harry's P.O.V.

I could feel that Emma feel asleep. I looked over and she did. She looked so peaceful. I moved her closer to me trying not to wake her up. I wanted to be as close as possible to her. Never to loose her again like i did in a stupid way that was all my fault. I wanted to have those good memories with her again. The way she trusted me with what i did, and the way i trusted her. How we would always sleep and she would move closer to me and put her head in the crook of my neck.

I was getting tired myself, so i grabbed the remote and turned the tv off. I picked Emma up bridal style, and carried her to her bedroom. I didn't want to wake her up so i quickly changed her into her pj's. And i swear i didn't try to look. I did it as fast as i could. (Yea we all know Harry would take the longest! haha) I tucked her in bed, and started to walk out of her room. But i stopped myself. I didn't want to leave her alone. Especially after Mark was here a couple of hours ago. I quickly took off my shirt and, pants and slowly hopped into bed next to Emma with just my boxers on.

Instantly, i could feel her moving closer into my chest. I out my arm around her waist in a protective way. And before i knew it, i fell asleep.

Emma's P.O.V.

Before totally blacking out, i felt someone get into my bed, and wrapping their arms around me. Instantly, i felt warmth come over me. Thank God! I was freezing!!

Next Morning (Still Emma's P.O.V.)

I woke up to the sun shining through the window. I didn't want to get up, because i was so comfortable! I turned around quietly and looked at Harry. I started to look at his whole sleeping figure taking in everything. His curls were messed up, but in a good looking way. I hope he wasn't awake. I looked down to his lips. I just wanted to crash mine in his. But then i noticed his abs. That's what i was sleeping again. His abs. They were so toned, it was like...WOW. I decided that i would tease him this morning. I thought while having a smirk on my face. I pecked his nose but he didn't move. Either he was sleeping like Zayn, or he was pretending. Once again i gently kissed him, but this time on the lips. 

I felt warm arms wrap around me, and i knew he was awake!

Harry's P.O.V.

I felt something warm and smooth hit my lips. This time i knew Emma was kissing me. I watched her the whole time, hoping that she wouldn't notice me, looking at her with my eyes slightly open. I put my arms around her and kissed back. I moved her on top of me so that way she was laying on my chest. But then, she pulled away. I pouted.

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