Chapter 7

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Thank you guys for this many reads soo far!!! I really appreciate it! :)


Chapter 7

Zayn's P.O.V.

I came into Emma's flat and sat down on the sofa in her living room. It was a nice place, not too different from mine. Emma followed me still crying a bit. She sat down but looked at me. "Oh my god Zayn! Your lip is bleeding! I'm so sorry it's all my fault!" "That's ok, really." I said. "I'll go get something from the emergency kit and clean it up a bit." Emma said. 

Emma's P.O.V.

I walked back and sat down next to Zayn. I got out some wipes, and faced him. I started to wipe the blood off of his lips. Right there i noticed how perfect his lips were. So soft and just.....prefect! I found myself looking into his deep brown eyes, but i quickly looked away, and back to focusing on wiping his lips. I didn't want to get myself into a problem between Zayn and Harry. Especially Harry. But do I really love him? I do, i really do, it's just that since we're trying to fix this i just don't feel it...

Zayn's P.O.V.

Emma started to wipe the blood off of my lips. But i felt her looking at my lips. It made me laugh inside. She was probably looking at how perfect they are. Haha Zayn why do you admire your looks so much? But that was a question nobody could answer. Not even me.

I saw that Emma looked into my eyes. I looked into hers. But she quickly looked away. I don't want to form a problem between me and Harry about her. Plus I don't even like her. She loves Harry. We all know it. But Emma is so sweet, and wouldn't want to hurt anyone. Same with Harry although he did hurt Emma. 

Anyways, my mind went back to Mark. Why did he come back after Emma? Revenge? Probably. I could tell that he always hit Emma. How could someone treat her like that though?! She's so kind and nice. I jumped out of my thoughts when Emma's phone rang. She stopped what she was doing and went to get her phone, to answer it. Hopefully it wasn't Mark.

Emma's P.O.V.

"Hi Harry." I answered in a saddened tone. I hope that wasn't noticeable. It that stupid Mark wouldn't show up i wouldn't be acting all sad right now! I hate him! 

"Hey Emma, is..something wrong?" Harry asked. Oh well i guess it was noticeable them. Great...

"No uhh, nothing" I told him. I looked back at Zayn but Zayn had the face on "Tell him or it will keep happening!". "Wait, Harry there actually is. Could you come over? Well if you have time. Zayn's here too." I said. "Sure i'll be right over. Anything to make my love feel better!" he said, probably with a smirk on his face. "Ok i'll see you later then." With that i hung up and went back to Zayn.  When i sat down i felt really tired, but i didn't want to fall asleep if Harry was gonna come.

Zayn's P.O.V.

When Emma sat down next to me i could feel that she was tired. She had droopy eyes. "You know you could sleep, right?" I said making sure. "Yea i know, i just don't want to because Harry will be over soon." She said. "Here just take a nap, i'll wake you up when he comes." I said. 

Emma put her head on my shoulder, and within seconds fell asleep.

Harry's P.O.V.

I was looking forward, to call Emma and ask if she wanted to go on a walk somewhere. But when she answered, she didn't' sound so happy. Now i'm on my way to her flat. She told me that Zayn was there. But why? Maybe something bad happened. But i really didn't' want to believe that.

I finally got to the building and got in. I knew that her door was across from Zayn's so i knocked on it. after a minute, Zayn opened it. He gave me a weak smile. But i noticed something on his lip. "Zayn what's on your lip?" I asked. "Oh...that, i'll tell you when you and Emma talk. Come on in." He said in a tired tone.

I came in but there was no sight of Emma. But i followed Zayn into Emma's living room. There she was, on the sofa, sleeping so peacefully, so calm. I sat down next to her, and slowly started stroking her beautiful soft hair. 

"Today was kinda rough for her" Zayn told me. And it sounded like it wasn't that good coming out from his mouth. "What do you mean?" I asked suspiciously. "Oh right, you don't know do you?" He asked. "Know what?" "About Emma's ex-boyfriend?" he asked again. I nodded my head no. I have a bad feeling about this...

Zayn's P.O.V.

I was right. Harry didn't' know AT ALL. Well i should tell him a little depending on how long Emma sleeps. "Well now as you know, Emma's ex-boyfriend is Mark." I said, as Harry nodded. "He sorda always hurt her..." Harry's eyes went big. "WHAT?! WHERE IS HE I'M GONNA KILL HIM!!!" Harry screamed. "Shhh, Emma's sleeping Harry!" I yelled at him quietly. Harry was quiet. "Well earlier today he sorda...came by and hit her, and she screamed. So i went to see what was going on. And Mark was there. I got into a fight. But then he kissed her and she was trying to pull away. Mark stopped and slapped her for not kissing him back, so he kissed Emma again, and she had to kiss him back or else she knew she would get hurt. That's when i took action, and knocked him out for a couple of seconds. He finally left after a couple of minutes when he got up, and Emma was crying." I explained to Harry.

"Hmm, i wish i was there to help. I could have stopped Mark, and kept him away from Emma." Harry said. He really does care for her. They are deffinatly meant to be.

Emma's P.O.V.

I heard more than 2 voices talking, and realized that Harry was supposed to come over to my flat. My eyes shot open.


Author's Note:

Just wanted to say thanks for all the reads you guys give me! And votes!

Leave some commments so i can get feedback please and thank you!!! :) next chapter should be up soon :)

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