Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Emma's P.O.V.

When we got to our building, we both said our goodbyes. I mean I want to see Zayn again. Who wouldn't? So obviously we might hang out sometime. After that i went inside my flat and got ready for bed. My head was pounding like crazy by this time so i took some advil. I was still really nervous. Why? Um lets just say i might see the person who ripped my heart out in my past! And with that, I fell asleep into the dark and cold night.

Zayn's P.O.V.

Well that was fun to get to know Emma. She is a really sweet girl. And i actually want her to meet the rest of the guys. I hope she's ok with that. She had a worried look on her face yesterday when we were talking. Maybe she was afraid her so called"boyfriend" would come back. Well I thought of a get together with the boys tomorrow here at my place and hopefully Emma has the time to hang out with us. 

Next Morning (Still Zayn's P.O.V.)

I woke up and the clock read 10:30 am. I realized I still haven't given the boys a call to come over so i sent out a quick text.

From: Zayn

To: Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall

Hey guys meet me at my place today for a hangout at 1:30 pm. Want you guys to meet someone too 

1:30 seems like a good time. I got out of bed and dressed, did my hair, and started cleaning my flat. Just when i remembered i needed to invite Emma too. I totally forgot to get her number so that meant i had to go tell her in person. 

I walked out of my flat and to her door. I knocked and she answered pretty fast. "Hi Zayn!" she said. "Hi Emma. I was wondering if you would want to come to my place at 1:30 today to hang out with me and a couple of my friends. Would you want to come?"

Emma's P.O.V.

"Sure i'd love to!" I responded without even thinking of who his friends were gonna be. With that we said our goodbyes and went back to what we were doing. I closed the door and went to go get something to eat for breakfast in the kitchen. Until then i noticed that Zayn's friends could be... Harry, Liam, Louis and Niall. 

Crap! what have i gotten myself into! I mentally screamed at myself. I looked at the clock 11:30. Wow time goes by pretty fast when you're into something. Well I might as well come over to Zayn's at 1 since I won't be doing anything. 

I grabbed my phone, but then realized i didn't have Zayn's number. So i quickly went over to his door and knocked on it. "Hey Em!" "Hey Zayn, i just realized we don't have each other's numbers." i told him. "Haha oh yea i noticed that too, sorda here give me your phone." We exchanged phones and entered our numbers. "Oh and by the way, is it ok if i come over at 1, because i really have nothing to do today so.." I asked Zayn "Oh sure that's fine! Thanks for letting me know. Well i gotta get back to cleaning. So i'll see you later!" "Bye Zayn see you later too!" I said as i walked back to my flat.

Well I have an hour so might as well get ready. I put on this outfit. (Outift is to the side). And i put my hair up in a bun. I went to where my make-up was and put on some natural. By the time I looked at the clock it was almost 1. So might as well get going. 

I grabbed my phone and a box of chocolates from the kitchen to give to Zayn. Usually if I went to someones house i brought something little just like these chocolates. With that i made my way to Zayn's flat.

Zayn's P.O.V.

Emma should be here soon. I just don't know what i'm gonna talk about with her. Hopefully she has a good topic to talk about. 

I hear a knock on the door, and it should be Emma. I look through the door glass( or whatever its called the little hole on the door you look through) and it is Emma. I quickly open the door. "Hey Emma it's like you were just here!" I said jokingly. "Well what makes you think that?" She said catching on to my joke. I gave her a friendly hug and noticed she brought some chocolates. "You really didn't have to bring anything." I tell her. "Pshh I can bring what ever" she said laughing. That made me laugh too. She has a great sense of humor. And something tells me she's going to be really good friends with the boys.

I went to put the box of chocolates on the coffee table in the living room, while Emma took a look around the flat. "It's a really nice place you got here." she says. "Eh its ok to me, but thanks." I looked at my watch and its 1:35. The boys should be here any minute. Wow time goes by really fast when you talk to someone. "Hey Zayn, i'm gonna use the restroom. Be right back!" Emma said. "Ok go ahead." i responded.  

 A couple of seconds later, i hear a bunch of annoying knocking on the door. Well that definatly must be the boys I thought to myself.

Emma's P.O.V.

I was washing my hands, when I heard an annoying knock come from the door. Oh god...please no don't be who i think it is. Please no...PLEASE!

Harry's P.O.V.

"HEYYY ZAYN!!!" Me and the rest of the boys shouted. "Vas' Happenin' guys?" Zayn said. We all started to crack up and we came inside Zayn's flat. We all sat in the living room, and Niall noticed there was a box of chocolates on the table. "Niall don't eat those yet!" Zayn screamed taking the box away. "But why Zayn? I want some!" Niall said. "Because they are from the person that i want you guys to meet!" Zayn said in a funny way. "So that means this person is already here?" I asked.

"Yep" Zayn said popping the "p". "Well then where is he?" Louis asked in his sassy tone. "First of all it's a she, and she's in the bathroom." Zayn said. "Oooo, so it's a she huh?" Louis said with his eyebrows moving and Liam looking at him like he's crazy. "Boobear don't do that it's weird" I say in a tone that makes everyone laugh. 

Emma's P.O.V.

No!!!! It's them!! I recognize their voices. Especially...his. His slow deep voice with that hard British accent. Well this is just great. I say while mentally punching myself.


 Author's Note:

So Why do you guys think shes acting this way about a certain member from the band?

Well you'll find out in the next chapter!! SO KEEP READING!!!! :)

Here is the link to the outfit:

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