Chapter 3

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Woah 3rd chapter!! How do you guys like it so far? any good? comment beloww thankss! :)


Chapter 3

Emma's P.O.V.

Ok Emma, just breath in and out. Ok I can do this, I can!. Just don't get to emotional in front of him! You can do this! Phheww you let out a long breath and twist the door knob open,and start walking towards the living room...

Harry's P.O.V.

For some reason i'm really nervous. Hopefully the girl that Zayn wants us to meet is pretty and nice. I've been pretty lonely since this one thing happened. I tried to forget about it. But why was I so stupid to break her heart like that? Why?!

I was drinking some water. Zayn must of heard her coming, because he started to say "Ok guys I want you to meet someone! Everyone meet Emma!"

My eyes went wide open and i started to choke on my water and spit it out when i hear "Emma". Did i hear right? Did he really say Emma? I turn around and there she is. She looks so beautiful. I can't believe it the love of my life is right in front of my eyes, when i broke her heart! Even I don't know why I did it! She looks really....nervous,,,and emotional too though....

Something is wrong.

Liam's P.O.V.

When Zayn says Emma, I noticed Harry's eyes get bigger, and he started to choke on his water. All the attention turned to him. Harry was looking at her like he already knew her...Like she was the love of his life. Like they know each other really well. What is he not telling us? I kept repeating that over and over in my head.

Emma's P.O.V.

"H-hi guys!" I stuttered. God that was really noticeable Emma! Keep it together would you. But just when those green eyes hit yours, it all came running back to your head. All those good memories with him. (By the way just a quick reminder Emma and Harry's relationship was before One Direction was on x-factor) I felt my knees get weak. But i had to stay strong. Emma STAY STRONG DON"T BE WEAK.

After that intense eye contact broke I got hugs from 4/5 of the boys and now it was Harry's turn. This is gonna bring back so many memories. Me being wrapped up safe in his arms, begin away from danger...

Harry's P.O.V.

I go up to Emma and hug her longer than the boys did. It felt so good, just like the old days when she would be wrapped up in my arms safely.

 Louis' P.O.V.

Something was really weird the way Harry and Emma were acting. It's like they already knew each other. And I know for a fact when Harry's in love, and i can tell that he is right now. It's pretty awkward too because he's hugging her  pretty long, and i'm probably guessing Emma wants him to stop.

Emma's P.O.V.

Oh my God Harry can you please not hug me so long i say to myself. Its making me emotional sort of. Please. I really don't want to cry in front of the guys right now. 

I try breaking away from the hug, and it worked, although Harry had a "why did you do that face" on. "Well now that you guys finished that long hug" Louis says directing that to Harry, "We should do something."

"Yea like what?" Liam asks "Zayn can I have those chocolates now?" Niall asks. In less than a couple of minuted the whole box of chocolates is gone. Gezz Niall how can you eat that much? I guess no one will ever know. 

I started to feel really nervous and uncomfortable when Harry sat down next to me. I couldn't take it anymore, and i felt something wet slide down my cheeks. NO... Stop crying Emma!!! STOP!!!

Zayn's P.O.V.

Emma was starting to cry but I don't know why. Did I do something? But the next thing you know she stands up. But is silent until she starts saying something that really confuses me. "You know what I can't do this! I just can't! Do you know how hard it is sitting next to the person you love in your entire life?! But then that person breaks your heart and rips it to pieces?! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! Harry I don't even know why you broke up with me! You were the love of my life, and it's like you just took my heart and ripped it apart! How could you! Emma yelled,and was sobbing. Then shes barged out onto the balcony. 

Niall's P.O.V.

Even i was listening to that! "Harry what did you do to Emma?" Liam, Louis, Zayn, and I ask in unison. 


Author's Note:


Well i hope you guys liked it. Give me some feedback if you can. Might take some of it for the next chapter. 

Next chapter could be up sometime tomorrow. :)

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