Chapter 29

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Wahooo!!! TMH tour started!!!! So happy!!! :)

Can't believe im on chapter 29 now omg!!! Thanks so much for all the readss :)


Chapter 29

Mark's P.O.V.

I was woke up from my nap, and noticed that my phone was ringing. It was Emma. I picked it up.

"Hey Emma." I said, and could feel her smile, on the other side of the phone line.

"Hey, Mark. Um, do you wanna come over?" She asked me. Was she serious? I haven't been over at her place in a while. I changed myself, so i know that i wouldn't hurt her either.

"Sure, should i be there in 10 minutes?" I said.

"Yea, ok i'll see you later." She said and hung up the phone. 

I quickly, got my shoes and jacket on and walked out the door.

Emma's P.O.V.

Mark had agreed to come to over. I cleaned up a bit, even though my flat wasn't dirty at all. After finishing, i made sure that no one could see the band aid on my wrist. and if they did, i would just say that i scraped it against the pavement when i fell down. It seemed like a reasonable excuse, but hopefully it would pass. 

With all this thinking i was doing, i heard a knock on the door. It must be Mark. I went to open the door, but instead of finding Mark, i found Harry. I could feel my eyes get wide, and i moved backwards. 

"Emma..." Harry said, looking me in the eyes.

"What, do you want Harry?" I asked him harshly, and i could feel my blood boiling. 

"I-i,..i came to say sorry." He said looking down. I let out a sigh. He seemed so broken, i didn't want to hurt him anymore, but he hurt me even more. I have a feeling that...that i'm gonna lose him again, right now. I felt a tear drop out of my eye.

"Harry,," I lost my words and started to scratch the back of my head. I let out another sigh. How was i going to get out of this right now? I know i sound mean right now but i just don't want to talk to him right now. I have to clear my head. 

Just then i saw someone behind Harry. I stepped on my toes to look past Harry, and it was Mark. Oh god, this could go rough.

 Harry's P.O.V.

Emma opened the door, and i could tell she was shocked. She didn't know what to say. But she started to look behind me. I looked around, and saw that Mark was behind me. What was he doing here?

"Um, hi Mark." I could hear Emma say, while i was still looking at him. 

"Hey." He said looking at her past me and giving her a wave. What is going on? I could feel myself burning up inside, an my breathing was getting heavier. 

"Why is HE here?" I turned around and asked Emma, emphasising he. 

"Ugh..."Emma started saying, but then Mark finished.

"I'm here to spend time with her." I looked back at him, and he walked past me hitting me in the shoulder with his. 

"What do you mean spend time with Emma?" I asked frowning. I was breathing even heavier by this time. Just please don't say that they are together. Please!

"We're dating right Emma?" Mark said, and i saw Emma's eyes get bigger, and her frame stiffened. She didn't want to tell me did she? I was still in love with her, and she goes after another guy. The guy that abused her?! WHAT! The anger inside of me was getting out of control. I put my hands into fists. I walked up to Mark, punched him in the face, and walked away, leaving Emma and Mark behind. 

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