Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Emma's P.O.V.

I wanted to take a break from swimming. I was actually REALLY tired. I didn't know the lads would tire me out that fast. I got back to where we laid out our beach stuff, and took out a snack to eat and my phone. I took some photos, some of me, and then some of the boys.

"Emma's taking pictures!" Louis screamed. How did Louis notice?!

"Oh no! I probably look really bad!!!!!!" Zayn said starting to run over to me to see the pictures.

"Let me see Emma!!!! Show me!!!!" Zayn started to yell while trying to grab my phone away.

"AHH!!!!! I'm being attacked by the mirror man!!! Help!!!" I yelled while laughing and running away from Zayn.

"Mirror Man?" Niall asked and started to laugh as well as the others.

"Just show me the pictures Emma!!!!" Zayn yelled again.

"NEVER!!!" I yelled looking back at him.

Emma!!!!" He grunted. I started to laugh, but then ran into something and fell on the sand. I looked up, and it was Patrick. What a coincidence.

"Hey Patrick." I was looking up to him and waving my hand.

"Hey Em, you ok?" He chuckled, while giving me his hand and pulling me up. 

"Yea i'm good. Just running away because ZAYN here, wanted to TAKE MY PHONE AWAY FROM ME!" I said exaggerating some words. Patrick chuckled again.

"Why's that?" He asked looking back to Zayn.

"What can't a guy see how he looks like in a picture?" Zayn said shrugging.

"How come they don't care though?" I asked Zayn pointing to the rest of the lads minding their own business now.

"Because they just aren't as perfect as me" Zayn said like a drama queen. We all started laughing. I felt like i wanted to do another prank but this time Zayn would know about it. I had a grin on my face.

"Emma what are you thinking? I know you have a plan when you get that look on your face!" Patrick said.

"Ok you really wanna hear?" I asked both Patrick and Zayn.

"YEA!!" they yelled.

"Ok, so it will only be you guys, who will know this and i want to prank Harry, Liam, Niall, and Louis. Ok?" I said making sure. They both nodded their heads.

"So i was thinking-" I was cut off

"Oh get to the point already!" Zayn said annoyed while playfully rolling his eyes. I giggled.

"Ok, ok, if you would let me explain without interrupting!" I said.

"Just go on" Patrick said.

"So, i was thinking that, me and Patrick could "date"", i said quoting date "and you would ask me out closer over there, and i would say yes. Then Zayn would be like all happy and crazy, and stuff. Then we would just like pretend to have dates and all that other stuff when we really would just hang out. And i sorda want to do this to see if i really actually regained Harry's trust. Well i bet it will affect him a lot, but we'll see. ok?" I told them.

"You've got a sinister little mind. Are you sure you and Louis aren't siblings?" Zayn asked.

"No i'm sure we aren't" I said giggling.

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