Chapter 18

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Ok so i'm gonna try to make this chapter longer if i can!

Please leave suggestions and comments!! Pretty PLEASEE!! :)


Chapter 18

Harry's P.O.V.

We were going back to the car. Emma just got into the car because i could tell she was really tired. Zayn and i packed everything, and said bye to the rest of the guys. Zayn got into the driver's seat, and i got into the passengers and we started driving. 

"That was a really fun, and i guess stressed day." I chuckled.

"Tell me about it! You should have seen your face!" Zayn laughed. Usually Emma would comment back, but it was really quiet. I looked back and she was sleeping. How much does she sleep!!??

"Emma's sleeping. I swear, she sleeps more than you." I told Zayn.

"Ha! I doubt it!" Zayn said while watching the road. 

"Yea you wish. You should see her. Really. It's unbelievable how much she can sleep. It's probably why she has so much energy in the day." I said.

"No really!" Zayn said sarcastically. The rest of the car ride was quiet. Zayn turned the radio on quietly and You Found Me By The Fray was playing. I could relate to this song. Kind of. I bet Emma  could too.

Emma's P.O.V.

I guess i wasn't like deep asleep because i heard how Harry and Zayn were talking about how much i sleep. I didn't even know i sleep that much! Like it's just, i got to sleep and wake up. I don't really mind that i sleep that long.

Zayn turned the radio on, and You Found Me By The Fray was playing. I loved this song. I started to quietly hum the song in my head. I looked at Harry. He was looking out the window of the car, probably relating to this song i guess. I mean i could too. I think that after that thought i was so tried that i feel asleep. And i mean like deep sleep.

Harry's P.O.V.

We finally got to where Emma, and Zayn lived. Zayn stopped the car and we both got out.

"Why don't you take Emma to her flat, and i'll get her stuff out of the car." Zayn suggested. I nodded. I took Emma and carefully carried her bridal style. She was so beautiful. I really need to think of an idea of how to ask her out. I want it to be special. Not just some kind of question. 

I got to Emma's flat but didn't have the key for the door to open. Ughh. Either i was going to wait for Zayn or have to find the key in her bag that she was holding onto. 

I gently put her on the ground against the wall. Emma was still sleeping. Thank God she didn't wake up. I was looking for a key to the door through the bag but i couldn't find it. Why do women have so many things in their purses?! 

While i was looking for the key, my eye caught something. It was a picture. A picture of me...and her. I never knew she kept a picture of us. Wow...i...i was shocked. I put the picture in my pocket trying not to bend it. I quickly spotted they keys, and opened the door. I picked Emma up bridal style again and carried her to her bedroom, and put her down on the bed. I walked out to see that Zayn left her stuff by the door. 

I didn't want to leave Emma alone. But i mean i did...before. But i feel like we have gotten closer. I wanted to go back to my flat. I haven't been there in a while. So i got the idea of bringing her to my flat with me. I know it's crazy. We just got here, and i want to take her to my place now. I konw. It's just that..i care for her...a lot.

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