Chapter 17

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Sorry i haven't posted in a while. Well here it goes! Please leave comments and suggestions too!!!


Chapter 17

Harry's P.O.V.

Emma...kissed me. At first i was sorda shocked. I didn't expect her to do that. Wait! She has her "boyfriend" Patrick now. I pulled away. The kiss felt so good, and i didn't want to stop it. But i knew i had to. She wasn't mine. Emma had a confused face, and looked at me in the eye, still crying a bit. 

"H-harry, i didn't m-mean to hurt you s-so bad." She said stuttering and putting her head down. I felt bad so i gave her a hug and she buried her head in my chest. This is what i wanted. But i can't have it anymore.

"I guess i know how you felt now?" I said, coming out more as a question. She looked up at me again.

"Probably, but maybe even worse, to the point that i almost wanted to kill myself." She said. WHAT?! Because of me she almost wanted to kill herself!? 

"Emma...I know i'm saying this again, but i'm so sorry about that. I don't know what has gotten into me. Really. I just...i don't know. But when you whole world crashed, and i'm guessing yours did to. Your and my relationship was the best i ever had. I want it again, I want you. Your the perfect girl any guy could have really." I told her from the bottom of my heart.

"Really Harry?" Emma asked.

"Yea i mean it" I told her reassuringly.

"But your Harry Styles. You could have any other girl in the world. I mean your famous! I wouldn't say that i'm like that good." She said while putting her head down.

"Don't say that! I chose you, and only you! Your the love of my life and i love YOU!" I said while cupping my hands on her cheeks. I moved closer to her face, and so did Emma. My lips were brushing over hers, and we finally kissed. I could feel that Emma actually believed me. I loved her so much. I wouldn't want to lose her again.

Niall's P.O.V.

It's been taking Emma and Harry a couple of minutes, well a long time actually. 

"Who's gonna go check on those two to make sure they aren't killing each other?" Louis asked.

"Not me!" All the boys shouted except for me.

"REALLY?!" I whined.

"Yes! Now go!" Zayn commanded. I stood up

"Yes sir!" I said and walked off to find Emma and Harry. It's a good thing that Zayn and Patrick told us it was a joke, because that was just devastating.

I walked past a tall hill of sand and spotted Emma and Harry. They were kissing, and i didn't want to ruin it so i just walked back. Hey at least they made up and didn't kill each other! Right?

Emma's P.O.V.

We stopped kissing till we both ran out of breath. I smiled and so did Harry. But how was i going to tell him that this was a prank? Oh god. Well i'll try to tell him now. We started to walk back and Harry was holding my hand.

"Harry?" I asked. He looked over at me.

"I still have to tell you something." I said looking down at the sand. He got a worried look on his face.

"What, it it?" He asked.

"Um..well i don't know how to say this", i said while smiling, and laughing a bit. "This was just like, all  prank, because i wanted to see if i really did gain your trust and honesty back. And i really truly did." I finished.

" your not actually together with Patrick?" He asked

"Nope it was all a joke, well that part." I told him. His face lit up and he started yell "YEAAAAAAA!!!!". He gave me a piggy back ride back to where all our stuff, and the boys were and they looked surprised.

"So, you guys made up?" Louis asked.

"Well what does it look like Louis?!" Liam said pointing it out. We all started to crack up.

"Hey, i was just making sure!" Louis said in his sassy tone. I noticed Patrick wasn't there.

"Where's Patrick? Did he leave?" I asked the boys.

"Yea, he said he had to go help him mother with something." Zayn told me.

"Oh. ok" I said while sitting down on my towel. Harry sat down next to me. I rolled my eyes playfully at him. "What?" Harry asked.

I giggled. "Nothing" I said hiding my face.

"Tell me! I'll tickle you!!" Harry said making a weird voice. I was so ticklish it wasn't even funny. He started to tickle me.

"HARRY S-STOP IT!!!!! H-ARRY!!!! I-I'M GONNA D-DIE!!" I said yelling, and laughing my pants off. 

"Get off her Harry!!!!" Niall, and Zayn yelled, still laughing.

"I thought i was yours Harry!!" Louis said trying to pout but not working from me laughing so loud.

"HARRYYY!!!!!! I-I CAN'T B-BREATH ANYMORE!!!" I laughed, as my stomach started to hurt. It felt like i was getting some kind of ab workout or something!

"Harry!!! Get off Emma!!" Liam said running up to him and trying to pull him off me.

"I'LL STOP IF YOU SAY THAT HARRY STYLES IS THE HOTTEST MAN IN THE WORLD AND THE BEST KISSER!!!!" Harry said while laughing. I rolled my eyes playfully again.

"FINE!!!! HARRY STYLES IS THE HOTTEST MAN IN THE WORLD AND THE BEST KISSER!!!!" i squealed. He finally got off of me.

"FREEEEDOM!!!!" I yelled while running back into the water.

Zayn's P.O.V.

Emma went back running into the water, and Harry to and the other lads, except for me and Louis.

"I swear, she acts like me sometimes!" Louis said putting his hands up. I chuckled.

"I meant to tell you that someday." i told him.

"But honestly, i think Harry should ask Emma to be his girlfriend. They would be so happy together. Well i mean they are already, but they would be even happier." Louis said 

"Yea i agree with you Lou!" I said as i high-fived him.

"My little boy is growing up!" Louis pouted. With that we both ran to join the others in the water.


Author's Note:

Sorry that this chapter is so short. I will try to update more often when i can.


P.S. The pictue on the side is photo shopped, from a tumblr blog.

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